Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [pron] [vb mod] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There is no doubt in my mind that I can work with Sir John Hall and the board of directors who , along with everyone else at the club , have been under tremendous pressure because of the club 's present financial position . ’
2 Nothing ever works out as ideal , but let us assume for the sake of demonstration that you can deal with much of the course work during the day , so that your evenings are free for work on the lecture and seminar periods .
3 Quite an achievement but Ernie would put all that to one side if his 18-year-old son Mark could get to the top as a racer — although Mark gives every indication that he will stick with the short circuits and avoid the roads .
4 Mrs Mandela will appear in court on the 24th of September ; the attorney general says he has received an undertaking from her lawyer that she will cooperate with the investigation and she will not be taken into custody .
5 Women will want a cut that they can cope with , a cut they can dress and re-style easily . ’
6 A woman had sold her home and handed over to her son the £4000 proceeds , on condition that she could live with him in the house he bought with the money .
7 At length , after consulting his mother , the reluctant player finally agreed — on condition that he could continue with his electrical engineering studies .
8 Cos this next story that I would to share with you is about a boy who I must have everybody sitting on their bottoms all alone please .
9 Mr chairman that it should comply with three and one of the other two .
10 From this the courts have inferred that , except where the employer is under a statutory duty or there is some other restriction as to the type of contract that it can make with its servants or the grounds on which it can dismiss them , the servant has no procedural protection .
11 He hangs on to the hope that he will work with Almodóvar again , but Hollywood and a coterie of internationally-acclaimed directors are now pounding on the door .
12 It is vital that you set limits for the amount of money that you will deposit with each bank .
13 Redhill did n't submit to a it 's er it 's beyond , it 's outside of the they , they , they made er er a conscious decision that they would deal with it in their own peculiar way .
14 So you 've got a drug that you can live with ?
15 A postscript exemplifies Miller 's independence , an attitude which ultimately caused friction with his employers : ‘ Pray take no notice to any body what I sent you , for some of our Company is for making a law that I should part with nothing without the consent of the company . ’
16 Indeed , it is so much within Karajan 's music-making faculty that he would breathe with the music even when watching a TV monitor in a video editing session .
17 Is not utilitarianism , for example , a form of morality , and does it not differ from the kind of morality that one might associate with a religious form of life ?
18 Disruptive males cause the females to leave the lek temporarily ; when they return , the likelihood that they will mate with such males is increased .
19 If , like her , you have a sweet tooth , you might be better leaving just a little sugar in the diet to increase the likelihood that you will continue with the new sugar-reduced regime .
20 The question that I would raise with this plan , is Mr client , what bills do you have each month that must be paid , no matter what ?
21 More realistically , she was an iceberg that he would thaw with the fire of his blood , the warmth of his heart .
22 Judging from American experience , general disclosure of APRs in line with Consumer Credit Act regulations will indeed make many more people aware of the sort of APR that they can expect with a particular type of credit .
23 Before hearing the poll results , Mr Major and Mr Kinnock voiced their confidence that they would win with an overall majority .
24 Greenpeace said that the evacuation added strength to its case : " If they can not deal with the non-radioactive materials safely then we have no confidence that they can deal with the highly radioactive spent fuel , " a spokesman said .
25 To help you complete this plan , try to draw a picture that you will associate with your goal .
26 We often look forward to Fridays as a day that we can spend with our constituents .
27 By yesterday evening the largest lender , the Halifax , which held out a glimmer of hope earlier in the day that it could stick with its 13.5 per cent rate , acknowleged a rise was inevitable .
28 This guarantees total inadequacy , but the pay-off is ( a ) the knowledge that nobody could cope with all fifteen , and that therefore the failure does not reflect badly on him personally , and ( b ) some self-righteousness at how hard he is trying to contribute , and resentment at those who are not ‘ pulling their weight .
29 And it just so happens that I mentioned to one of my doormen that particular night that I could do with one of those machines to keep a careful check on my blood pressure .
30 There has been a feeling that they would compromise with Chelsea to the extent of accepting half the £22.85 million valuation .
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