Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Murderous and anguished work — the thinking that goes on between the rehearsal and the deed itself .
2 In a well-publicised match in February , Short defeated Dutch Grandmaster Jan Timman in a contest that lived up to the expectations for hard fought games .
3 It was propped against the end-post of a break in the wall , the same break that gave on to the cottage steps which Forester had passed before .
4 A , a curtain is used to screen you off , and if it 's a very cold day we 've got infra-red heat we 've got a lamp above the he , the couch and we actually put on the infra-red heat so we warm you up first before you start , before we start so your body is feeling nice and warm and you 're feeling relaxed , we have nice music playing and it does help right , with the tension that builds up on the shoulders .
5 W.J.J. Gordon wrote in his book on Synectics about hedonic response being the joy and ecstasy of the creative process , and he mentioned a factor in the joy of creativity is the release of tension that builds up as a scientist strives to solve a problem and I would further add the pleasure and relief of self-fulfilment which is a fundamental human need .
6 The Bay had a square , two pubs , a promenade walk overlooked by three medium-sized Victorian hotels , and a restaurant with a terrace that stood out over the water .
7 But you were telling me that there 's a lot of research that goes on in the universities .
8 Another time , a photographer had ventured onto the reef that rose up from the sea at the far corner .
9 For now , 16 years later , and with two children aged seven and nine , she is running , from her Croydon home , a thriving sole practice that fits in with the demands of a young family .
10 Giger was asked to produce designs not only for the full-grown monster , especially its head , but also for the two earlier stages , the ‘ face-hugger ’ ( the piece that comes out of the egg to attach itself to an animal/human and force an embryo down their throat ) and the ‘ chest-burster ’ ( the small creature that has grown enough within the host to burst out to an independent existence , killing the host in the process ) .
11 The car that drew up outside the villa at sunset was of an obsolete make , long in the bonnet , high on the wheels , cared for , faintly absurd , the kind of car that nowadays would be called vintage .
12 Then we came to a smashed yellow stone façade and a doorway that led down into a cellar .
13 Luke moved through a doorway that lead off from the right of the hallway and disappeared from view .
14 He could see by the dark light that came down from the night sky , a sky that glowed with vivid city lights , that on stands in nearby cages other eagles were listening to his story and staring at him silently .
15 He stood silhouetted in the soft light that flowed out of the room and silently toasted me .
16 Observers held their breath as the former Derry City and Shelbourne star took to the pitch for his first game but the thunderous greeting that cascaded down from the Windsor stands proved it was unnecessary caution .
17 ‘ She staggered and fell ; nearly blinded with the blood that rained down from a deep gash in her forehead ; but raising herself with difficulty … breathed one prayer for mercy to her Maker .
18 The capes are famous for a confused and ugly swell , and peculiar lumps of wind that crash down from the coastal peaks of the Taurus Mountains .
19 Appropriately enough , we met in the Hominid Room of the Natural History museum , a light spacious rectangular chamber with a glass wall on one side that looks out on a grassy park .
20 Only 15 months later , the participants in that match , which , it must be said , was not full of passion , are now presumably heavily engaged in destroying each other simply because they come from two sides of a divide that dates back to the tragedies , miseries and horrors of the second world war , back to the first world war and into the deep recesses of history before that time .
21 An animal capable of symbolization can carry away from a situation an inner trace that stands in for the response it may make when it next encounters the situation .
22 Unfortunately , though , the gas is often extremely hot , probably over 800 degrees C , so the instrument that comes out of the jet is often only a sad relic of the instrument that went in .
23 Middenheim stands atop a sheer-sided pinnacle of rock that rises out of the surrounding forest .
24 And at the same time , and slightly in contradiction to that , I found it increasing erm , er , perception and indication of dissatisfaction with the way in which the joint er , collaborative structures were actually working , if I may say , especially at the top level in terms of the political erm erm , so I say to you colleagues , that you are required as er , by statute to , to have in place collaborative structures , er , under a statute that goes back to the nineteen seventies , and I should also say to you that up and down the country that authorities like your own are at this stage doing what you 're doing , and that is reviewing the effectiveness of the operation of those structures , and probably coming to much the same conclusions .
25 The last thing I wanted was to find myself slithering down the steep craggy section above the corrie , having mistakenly bypassed the Y-shaped gully that led back to the car , yet I could sense I was getting it all a bit wrong .
26 But from the sides of their mouths projected the glistening tusks of boars , and they were crowned with great , bristling manes of stiff hair that ran down to the base of their spines .
27 There was frequently a hair-tidy of the same design on the dressing-table , a little dish with a lid , and a hole through which one could push the hair that came out on the comb .
28 He called them Amurricanes , in a heavy stage accent that came over as an envious sneer .
29 ‘ I ca n't believe I am being blamed for a fight that went on in the stand behind us , and I hope video evidence will clearly back me up . ’
30 The excuse that filtered through to the press was that jury members did n't consider the film sufficiently ‘ German ’ .
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