Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [verb] [adv] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 But the croak that came out of his parched throat was hardly recognisable .
2 The mycologist Roland Thaxter at Harvard University began a series of monographs on the Laboulbeniales in the 1890s , a study that ended only with his death in 1932 .
3 This experience shaped the political ambition that led ultimately to his coup of 23 July 1952 .
4 He inspected the blood that came off on his hand and swore again .
5 The pain of coughing and the blood that frothed up in his sputum .
6 This man was stocky and wiry , like a short-legged terrier , his face was pale and drawn , with two vertical worry-lines scored into the brow above the nose , and the hank of dark , flat hair that fell forward across his brow had clearly never had the attention of an expert barber .
7 Even from this distance she could see the way muscles rippled across his chest as he reached up to unlock the window , the wedge of dark hair that arrowed down from his collar-bone , and she felt heat run along her veins .
8 A few faint diamond droplets of water still glittered in the hair that whorled sensuously around his jewel-hard nipples .
9 Still staring at him , she became distracted by the dark hair that curled damply across his forehead , at the almost delicate arch of his eyebrows , the aquiline nose , the beautiful mouth , and then back to the bright , amused mockery in his blue , blue eyes .
10 Her gaze flew over him , taking in the deep , deep blue eyes , the faint smile on the sensual mouth , the dark hair that curled lightly over his collar .
11 I was watching Central News , Mr was on it and all , like you know that bloke that comes in with his wife with the grey hair that 's always really moody , they have a bottle of Frascati and always drink las
12 He was a young , dark-haired man with a short dark beard and he was curiously dressed in a black overcoat that came nearly to his ankles .
13 Li Yuan turned away , hearing the giggling that went on behind his back as Fei Yen went across to help her cousin .
14 It 's a theme that returns increasingly to his later poetry .
15 ‘ I 'll be seeing you , ’ he warned her casually , sketching a smile that went nowhere near his eyes , and then he had gone .
16 He tilted his head as he dealt , to keep the smoke that curled up from his cigarette out of his eyes .
17 In the early morning they had got drenched in the grass that waved up to his small son 's back , and when the sun struck the dew it was like the silent explosion of a crystal bowl .
18 Tug woke suddenly in the dark , out of a nightmare of falling , of rushing water and ground that slipped away beneath his feet .
19 ‘ Nignog ’ was not a phrase that came readily to his lips .
20 That coppery twang on the emergency cord that hangs tight in his gut .
21 He sang an endless string of tuneful but meaningless words that were only very loosely attached to the long , narrative poem that went on inside his head .
22 Boots of army style that fitted loosely over his socks .
23 Every word that comes out of his mouth is ‘ happening ’ or ‘ intense ’ and his favourite ‘ Hey man , this is rock and roll ’ .
24 Confucius , which remind us of our daily obligations towards our parents , our ancestors , our emperor and all those set in authority over us , " he said , speaking in a firm voice that carried clearly to his children 's ears .
25 The metallic voice that rattled out of his radio made him jump .
26 As Bellamy says , ‘ East St. Louis , Belleville , the chip on the shoulder , the bond with mother and grandmother that carried over into his career , the move to the West Coast … what emerged was a great player and one of the toughest , roughest competitors the game has ever known ’ .
27 He wore a heavy cloak of dark cloth that came down to his ankles .
28 Murray 's awkwardness was again betrayed by a blush that spread upwards from his weather-reddened neck .
29 He secured a council house for my parents , with a garden that butted up to his own , and I enjoyed a sublime if insular childhood , basking in the adoration of my shy parents and doting grandparents .
30 It was her hand that lay decorously on his shoulder .
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