Example sentences of "[noun sg] it is [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As a result it is overwhelmed by a mass of material that defies useful analysis and , to make matters worse , unlike the West does not have access to unlimited computer capacity .
2 Since the exact distribution of the t statistics is complicated , in practice it is approximated by the well known Student 's t distribution .
3 In the pharmaceutical industry it is used as a suspending agent for liquids and as a binder in tablets .
4 The most likely cause for the low oil pressure is a sticking pressure relief valve It is situated in the oil filter head and should be removed , cleaned and any burrs polished off with 1200 grit wet and dry
5 When the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun it is seen from the Earth to move across the Sun , and this is called a solar eclipse .
6 It is separated from the Trans-Himalayan zone and the Tibetan Plateau to the north by the structurally controlled valleys of the Indus and the Brahmaputra ( in its upper reaches called the Tsangpo ) and to the south it is bounded by the sediment-filled peripheral foreland basin of the Indo-Gangetic plain .
7 When the Empire goes to war it is accompanied by the huge War Altar of Sigmar .
8 Also , this electronic method of cooking means that only the pan is heated , and the moment it is removed from the hob , energy consumption stops .
9 If at any point it is bought by a non-registered by a registered person .
10 If at any point it is bought by a non-registered person the VAT is not recoverable , but must be added on again if the vehicle is sold at some point in the future by a registered person .
11 If this shows a lethal mutation it is classified as a presumed mammalian mutagen .
12 First , the vector is transformed to a frame in free fall at P and in that frame it is carried across the interval without change of its Cartesian coordinates .
13 A knowledge of the working of a solicitor 's office , particularly er o of those departments handling non-contentious business , can not be automatically imputed to the judge or to council and he may as well make it is not uncommon for an expert witness to give evidence of what he would have done in a particular situation after consideration and er I resign on that because in my submission er the issues in this case are clearly issues of mixed fact and law and my Lord it is seen from the report handed up that there is particularly in relation to the erm financial aspect of the case , reference to a provision within a professional conduct of solicitors guide as to what the nature of the er duties of the solicitor in the situation is .
14 In John Pope-Hennessey 's 1965 catalogue of the Kress Collection it is assigned to the second quarter of the sixteenth century
15 When not in use it is displayed in a glass-fronted cabinet , giving us the best of both worlds .
16 At its root it is explained by a divergence of certain fundamental objectives between different Member States .
17 In fact the concept of subjective risk is surprisingly similar in both theories , the differences lie largely in the role it is assigned in the control of behaviour .
18 A variety of formulations is available usually consisting of hydrochloric acid which provides the aggressive reactive power and phosphoric which reduces the corrosiveness of the mix , in which role it is known as a corrosion inhibitor .
19 The duty in the Scottish Bill to provide further education remains with the Secretary of State ; in the case of the English Bill it is transferred to the council .
20 Once the composite on screen has reached a satisfactory state it is photographed with a standard 35 mm camera .
21 In Nizan 's theory of the revolutionary novel it is elevated to the status of necessary pre-condition of authentic writing practices .
22 At the end of the novel it is closed to the public , and most of its stately rooms are shut up : ‘ the light of the drawing-room seems gradually contracting and dwindling until it shall be no more ’ .
23 If there is free space it is inserted at the correct node .
24 In this case it is based on the Parachute Regiment 's 2nd Battalion ( 2 PARA ) , supported by light armoured vehicles of the Life Guards , gunners from 7 Parachute Regiment Royal Horse Artillery ( 7 PARA RHA ) , engineers from ?
25 In the male , the equivalent chromosome may be of the same type — an X chromosome — or it may be roughly the shape of the letter Y , in which case it is known as a Y chromosome .
26 It can be seen either as a counter-example , demanding that the theory be amended or discarded , or as an anomaly , in which case it is put in the pending tray or discarded .
27 Indeed , it will be seen that dare can express a sense very close to its meaning as a modal even while maintaining most of the syntactic characteristics of a full verb , in which case it is used with the bare form — eloquent proof that the use of one or the other version of the infinitive is conditioned by meaning and not by automatically operating syntactic rules .
28 The tenant may be wary of this in case it is used by the landlord to remove the tenant ( in a buoyant market ) but any dilatoriness on the part of the landlord in reinstating where none of the supervening events applies could be seized upon by the tenant .
29 In the latter case it is deducted from the damages he has to pay O. Where he returns the goods to O , O must pay Z the improvement allowance .
30 At present it is left to the planning officers of the district council to decide how the views of parish councils are pesented to the planning committee or indeed if they are presented at all .
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