Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [noun prp] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Transfer this license together with the original and all the back-up copies of the Program , provided that the transferee completes and returns a REGISTRATION CARD to LD and agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement .
2 In order to reach Norway the two men took the jeep to Ostend and drove through Belgium .
3 Should I get a car to NY and get on a plane tonight , or do tonight 's show and cancel the two tomorrow .
4 He was refused entry to Kuwait and asked for asylum in France.President Giscard d'Estaing asked the Shah his views and the Shah made one of the worst mistakes in his reign by agreeing the Khomeini should go to France , He assumed that the obstreperous priest would be les of a threat to him in distant , Christian France than in neighbouring , radical , Islamic country .
5 When he sensed that the politicians were afraid enough of the army to come to terms with him ( as they seemed to be after learning that troops based in Algeria had seized control of the island of Corsica on 24 – 25 May ) , he flashed a red light to Algiers and moved on the political front in Paris .
6 In Ariel ( 15 ) a miner who has been made redundant heads south to Helsinki and falls in love .
7 In it , a miner who has been made redundant heads south to Helsinki and falls in love .
8 A decree of 1911 makes youth work a national task stating ‘ the aim of youth work ( Jugendpflege ) is to assist in the formation of cheerful , physically able , morally strong youth full of community spirit , reverence to God and love for their home country .
9 humanitarian assistance to Somalia and to co-operate with regional organisations ( Organisation of African Unity and Arab League named ; Organisation of the Islamic Conference later co-opted ) in seeking the Mogadishu factions ' agreement to a ceasefire , the distribution of humanitarian aid and the promotion of a political settlement .
10 The masher turned his attention from the girl to Neil and moved towards him menacingly .
11 The queen 's popularity soared still further when , on 9 April 1713 , she was able to announce to Parliament the final signature , two days before , of the Treaty of Utrecht , restoring peace to Europe and bringing to Great Britain such solid benefits as the destruction of the fortifications of Dunkirk and the retention of Gibraltar as a British possession .
12 Every day , at 10am , Grachev picks up the telephone to Yeltsin and speaks for five minutes .
13 On Saturday I sat there watching his team lose at home to Chelsea and listening to an Australian Evertonian who was back at Goodison for the first time since he emigrated in 1985 .
14 David Edyvean , who has had installed in his shop the Bestseller EPOS system , which has an interface to Buyline and links to TeleOrdering , BookBank and other CD-ROM databases — explained that despite a personal lack of technical expertise , careful investment in new technology had enabled his shop to establish a competitive edge .
15 Mr Browning out of the kindness of his heart and because Mr Landor I believe was once his champion when no one thought anything of him brought the old gentleman to Siena and prevailed upon Mr Story his friend to take him in .
16 He travelled under his new name to Afghanistan and embarked on a decade of pioneering travel and antiquarian investigation .
17 As we looked across the water to Corinth and listened to the haunting bouzouki music I saw why so many people return year after year to Poseidon .
18 We took a ferry to Tangier and drove through Morocco almost continuously for two days , arriving at Figuig on the Algerian border on 22 December .
19 Since the tracks were not completed into Croydon , a car had to be taken by lorry to Wallington and off-loaded onto the track there ’ .
20 NUMBER ONE : Once sister title to NME and rival to Smash hits .
21 On September 23 , 1945 , Sugar bade farewell to Waddington and flew to 15 Maintenance Unit ( MU ) at Wroughton for storage .
22 In what was seen as an important concession to China and condemned by more militant Tibetans as a sell-out , the Dalai Lama effectively acknowledged China 's overall sovereignty and suggested that Tibet become a self-governing region in association with China , a relationship that would leave Peking in control of both foreign policy and defence .
23 DAY 1 : Travel by your chosen route to Amsterdam and settle into your centrally located hotel .
24 Neither MacLeod nor Michael Weir was available four days earlier when Hibs put up spirited resistance to Aberdeen and came within minutes of getting at least one point .
25 ‘ It ca n't be much fun living next door to Dersingham and having to be grateful to him for having given you a living .
26 So she felt when she allowed herself a journey to London and made like a homing pigeon for the perfumery counters of department stores .
27 In both cases return to Brunnen direct by boat from the Rutli landing stage ( a special ticket can be taken out to allow an outward journey to Treib and return from Rutli ) .
28 Well , not that bad really , but they 'd laden a van in London bound for Torquay , and managed to overfill it somewhat , so that when membership services executive Kevin Ramage ( driver ) and conference executive Meryl Halls ( navigator ) were stopped on the road to Torquay and instructed by the police to proceed to the nearest weighbridge , they were found to be in contravention of the law .
29 Thus his first action on returning to the Questura the day before had been to send his inspectors out to question the people living in the houses along the road to Cannara and talk to the local farmers , just in case anyone had seen anything .
30 With a feeling of having been unexpectedly let out of school , I drove over the hills on the road to Reading and coasted along the unfenced part of the Quillersedge Estate until I thought I 'd come more or less to where Gareth had dropped the paint : parked off the road there and searched more closely for the place on foot .
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