Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [noun] be [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Cohabitation as a prelude to marriage is now an acceptable option .
2 ‘ The future potential is enormous and the work to date is only a fraction of what could be achieved .
3 From Gmünd eastwards to Horn and south to Krems was only a matter of a couple of hours through some lovely , fertile valleys , brilliantly green in their spring foliage .
4 My attitude to life is probably the same as most people 's .
5 This greener-than-thou attitude to nature is neither the traditional ethic of countryside husbandry , nor is it grounded in scientific ecology .
6 FOR a man who must have thought his career was over six years ago when rejected by Derbyshire , Paul Taylor 's passage to India is indeed a rags-to-riches miracle .
7 Some of the new investment is financed by parent companies , as is shown by the growing share of investment in subsidiaries , but the resale of less up to date equipment to subcontractors is also a common practice .
8 But the work also had to contend with three apses , and here it met with less success : in the apse to Orpheus 's right the panel is a poor fit , and throws out the meeting of the guilloche border of the main design with the north-western abutement .
9 This change of emphasis from cash to produce is probably the most difficult mental hurdle .
10 In contrast to this emphasis of the New Testament writers , much of the stress on the Spirit today dishonours Jesus , tends to squeeze him out of the picture , and infers that allegiance to Jesus is only the lower reaches of the Christian life , the heights of which belong to the Holy Spirit .
11 Having studied the text and read critical appreciations of it , my natural reaction to Satan is still the same as it was when he first appeared to me .
12 All theses contain abstracts which summarise their contents , but in the past , Aslib 's Index to Theses was just an index — by author and subject — to the theses notified to it .
13 Some suggest that the value of BSRI androgyny to women is simply the value of masculinity .
14 China 's rush to capitalism is also a rush towards individual liberty : the chance to choose not just fancy clothes and fast cars but how to live , where to live and who to be ruled by .
15 Neil Jenkins of Pontypridd was badly exposed last season and the summer tour to Australia was truly a baptism by fire , but he has the physique to return to the top level if his confidence can be restored .
16 Its position in relation to history is therefore the same as that of primitives to the eternal past : in Sartre 's system , history plays exactly the part of a myth .
17 The lords ' position was still fundamentally weak , and the shortage of labour in relation to land was now the main characteristic of the English rural economy .
18 But if the move from history to hystery were simply a matter of role reversal it would be relatively unproblematic .
19 At first this way to immortality was essentially a royal prerogative , but eventually similar rites were thought to confer immortality on anyone who could afford to imitate them .
20 The regime 's tendency to conservatism was all the more serious because it coincided with huge socio-economic upheavals associated with modernization and the coming to maturity of the postwar baby boom .
21 The pre-tax outcome for the year to January was still a hefty £9.1m loss — down from a restated £11½m deficit — and the £10m drop in the interest bill owes much to the £30m equity injection from Japan 's Aeon Group .
22 This is not to say that older men do not take on the role of ‘ carer ’ , nor that the perceived threat to independence is only an issue for women .
23 INSTITUT DU MONDE ARABE , 1987 Nouvel 's greatest triumph to date was also the first of President Mitterrand 's ‘ Grands Projets ’ and subsequently became the first building in a Western country to receive an Aga Khan Award .
24 The overall low significance correlation with adherence to programme is probably the unsurprising finding that projects which are technically successful at most stages tend to slip less than those which are not .
25 The second half followed very much the same pattern , a minute in to the half , a delightful United move involving Magilton , Phillips , Nogan and Philips , but Phillips ' final cross to Nogan was just a little bit too long .
26 The bearer of the warrant from time to time is unquestionably a shareholder but to what extent , if at all , he is a member of the company depends on a provision to that effect in the articles .
27 A visit to Salcey is all the more rewarding and exciting if you manage to see even a few of its shy inhabitants .
28 The move of the elderly from the family to institutions is partly a result of the change from extended family to nuclear family .
29 The possible movement of a mosaicist from this region to Trier is also a conventional explanation ( if a partial one ) of the eventual fate of the mosaicists who worked on the finest and final pavement , at Woodchester : in the Palastplatz in Trier a panel similar to one of the geometric panels of the ambulatory of the Woodchester Orpheus was found ( Parlasca 1959 , pI .
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