Example sentences of "[noun sg] have been [adv] [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 In my judgment this review of the authorities demonstrates that for over 300 years the law has been clearly established that the visitor of an eleemosynary charity has an exclusive jurisdiction to determine what are the internal laws of the charity and the proper application of those laws to those within his jurisdiction .
2 The point has been frequently made that there is no necessary reason why ‘ dog ’ should mean the familiar , faithful , barking , domestic quadruped , which in other languages , gets referred to as chien , Hund , cane , etc .
3 The point had been successfully made that such a case belonged to the Church 's jurisdiction , not to the Crown 's .
4 I am extremely grateful to the chairman of the Greater London Territorial , Auxiliary and Volunteer Association , Sir Greville Spratt , and to Brigadier Peter Bowser , the secretary , for all that they have done to lead the way in ensuring that the Government have been properly informed that the Territorial Army is adequately provided for in the future .
5 You simply can not assume that because the report has been well received that it will automatically produce action or a decision .
6 The idea has been carefully propagated that they lead a ‘ middle-class ’ way of life .
7 One person pointed out that , if it was not an accident , there were serious political overtones and the convention had been long established that political matters were never raised at presbytery meetings .
8 In the inquiries into the deaths of children like Maria Colwell , Jasmine Beckford and Kimberley Carlile ( DHSS , 1982 ; Blom-Cooper , 1986 , 1987 ) the observation has been repeatedly made that children who were known to be ‘ at risk ’ were failed by those given the statutory duty to protect them , because of poor communication , mistakes about knowing who was ( or was not ) responsible for undertaking particular tasks , and , it has to be admitted , professional rivalries and jealousies .
9 His son Themba , who is studying at Liverpool University , said yesterday on the telephone that his family had been reliably informed that he and Mr Sisulu would be out this month .
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