Example sentences of "[noun sg] have a long [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although this technique has a long ancestry in the Old World it was unknown in the Americas until the Spanish conquest in the sixteenth century .
2 The convent has a long tradition of illustrating cards and books with delicate hand-crafted watercolours and inscriptions .
3 Literature has a long history of feminist interest , but film and media studies are certainly as central to feminist cultural debates .
4 Labour has a long list of priorities : a £3 billion pledge on pensions — presumably health comes after that ; health presumably comes after Labour 's £1 billion recovery programme and it presumably comes after Labour 's £8 billion housing pledge .
5 The Social Work Department has a long tradition of working in collaboration with other service providers .
6 This kind of research has a long history in psychology and education but is relatively undeveloped in the rest of social science .
7 Cancer research had a long tradition of support from private contributions , but new charities devoted to particular diseases , such as arthritis and rheumatism , leukaemia , and muscular dystrophy , were founded and became a great source of strength to workers whose interests had or might have application to the desired objectives .
8 To take one example , in November 1987 the North-West Regional News introduced by Stuart Hall had a long feature as their opening item :
9 Large and secretive , this wrasse has a long body of up to 45 centimetres .
10 Anti-parliamentarianism has a long history in France .
11 Martha saved herself from relegation to a junior class by reciting the whole of Psalm 103 , one of Nana 's favourites , in morning assembly ; after this feat her teacher had a long conversation above her head with her mother , and began to come to their house on Saturdays to give her extra lessons .
12 The CAB has a long history of mobilising professionals such as lawyers , accountants and surveyors , to advise clients on a voluntary basis but there are very few lawyers who specialise in welfare benefits or money advice .
13 The result is that shops use a work-in-process inventory to buffer themselves against problems and uncertainties , a situation where each station has a long queue of semifinished elements .
14 As outlined earlier , low temperatures past and present are also indicated by the evidence that the Moon has a long history of outer rigidity .
15 More generally the idea of the inseparability of cultural and political revolution has a long history within the libertarian tradition with its roots in revolutionary Romanticism .
16 Idealism has a long history in philosophy , going back at least to the Irish philosopher Berkeley , and it is sometimes attributed , as it was by Marx , to Plato .
17 During a lawsuit brought by environmental groups against NMFS to compel observer coverage of the total US tuna fleet , the legal counsel for Earth Island Institute and the Marine Mammal Fund stated : ‘ The National Marine Fisheries Service has a long history of ignoring the will of Congress and working closely with the fishing industry .
18 VOLUNTARY service has a long history in America .
19 Opposition to a fixed European exchange rate has a long history within the Labour movement .
20 The housing co-operative movement has a long pedigree in Scotland .
21 I SPENT most of Friday morning having a long talk with Paul Seddon — Assistant Commissioner Seddon , who is our department 's special representative at New Scotland Yard .
22 Terry used his limited Arabic to have a long conversation with another visitor who suggested that an American would go home soon with the Irishman and then , after a little while , during which our governments were expected to ‘ make the next step ’ , another American with a Briton and so on .
23 On the contrary , the idea of the Kingdom had a long history in the life of Israel , and the coming of Christ coincided with a feverish wave of expectancy within the nation .
24 Both orchestra and conductor have a long list of international commitments every year .
25 The study of the state has a long history in the social sciences .
26 It is not surprising , then , to find that the clause has a long career in the documents .
27 Bourgeois individualism has a long history of subversive bohemian variants ; and the struggle for control of the elements of counter cultural musical style was a struggle between different aspects of the same principle .
28 Whilst recognising that such a survey would be of only indirect relevance to their present situation , the firm has a long history in the area ( since 1890 ) , and its management has an acute awareness that the present local employment situation is likely to deteriorate further without a mix of public/private initiatives .
29 The valley has a long history of fact and legend , and age has mellowed its few buildings .
30 Folk music has a long association with classical music , why not include that ?
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