Example sentences of "[noun sg] have just be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His graphic story has just been published in the Darlington Postgraduate Journal , edited by doctors at Darlington Memorial Hospital where he was treated after his second stroke .
2 Contraceptives can not be sold freely — Ireland 's Family Planning Association has just been fined in the courts for putting condoms on sale in a Dublin record store — and divorce is illegal .
3 SHARON SHANNON , whose debut solo album has just been released to great critical acclaim , embarks on an extensive Irish tour in November .
4 Although written many years ago , Lady Chatterley 's Lover has just been reissued by the Grove Press , and this pictorial account of the day by day life of an English game-keeper is full of considerable interest to outdoor-minded readers as it contains many passages on pheasant raising , the apprehending of poachers , ways to control vermin and other chores and duties of the professional game-keeper .
5 Nearby , a cart horse had just been released from its harness and was busy munching at its fodder ; the up-ended cart stood to one side .
6 That tray had just been prepared for me personally by the cook !
7 In U.S. , by contrast , the Williamsburg Folk Museum has just been trebled in size , at a cost of $8 million .
8 Though the apolitical villain was fairly quickly apprehended , Churchill 's portrait has just been discovered in a police raid on a suspected handler .
9 Well , that very technological breakthrough has just been made by a British company .
10 The elderly diabetic lady had just been tucked into her bed when the doors were opened for visitors .
11 The manuscript had just been discovered in the uncatalogued recesses of the British Museum ; it was exciting work , said the doctor , but difficult : the manuscript was badly damaged and as he had not the money to go to London he was having to work from a smudged xerox copy .
12 Nurses at the infirmary have just been praised by the Audit Commission for their work on discharge planning , and a group of sisters in the orthopaedic unit confirmed that they had long taken this seriously .
13 Northampton Town had just been beaten at home by Shrewsbury Town .
14 The fact was that his own heart had grown irresistibly fond of the love of his life , Senora Isabel-Maria Estanguet de Moss , whose husband had just been posted to the Argentinian Embassy in Brussels .
15 The hon. Gentleman has just been reminded of the shabby teachers ' pay record of the Labour Government whom he supported some years ago — It was his Government then , although their successors may not be represented on the Front Bench in quite the way that the hon. Gentleman would wish .
16 A book of the same name has just been published by Pluto Press , and the exhibition will run until September 16th .
17 The water has just been stocked with roach and rudd from Leazes Park in Newcastle and the club plans to introduce more fish from other venues .
18 This family presents an obvious target for antisense attack , and a protocol to use a retroviral delivery system for antisense treatment in adenocarcinoma of the lung has just been approved in the United States .
19 The red ball had just been introduced into Soccer and there was a ball in the goal , this time in red chrysanthemums .
20 There is a hollow boom of surf as if some massive object has just been chucked into the sea .
21 The position is the same if the offender is committed for some offences under Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.38 and for some under Criminal Justice Act 1967 , s.56 ; the restrictions in Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.133 have no application to the offences subject to committal under section 38 , as the Crown Court can sentence for those offences as if the offender has just been convicted of them on indictment , but do apply to the offences committed under section 56 .
22 Not only has the hire purchase agreement on the Line been paid off a year early , but a new 50-year lease has just been signed with British Rail for Platforms three and four at Keighley Station , where K & WVR steam trains interchange with Regional Railways and the Metro Trains .
23 He proceeds to mooch about in a hang-dog way until he runs across his younger brother , quiet student Dennis ( William Sage ) who informs him their long-lost father has just been arrested for bombing the Pentagon 20 years previously .
24 A new book by Dr. A. A. Becker of Mechanical Engineering has just been published by McGraw-Hill Book Company .
25 Whether or not it was realized , then , how exposed the French position was in Vietnam , the universal scope of US foreign policy had just been restated in its most monumental form .
26 Papers delivered by Edward Fry , Theodore Reff , Mark Roskill and other experts at that exhibition 's symposium have just been published by the museum .
27 The stationary state has just been taken to be one in which population is stationary .
28 Eastbourne lifeboat had just been recovered after an exercise when the crew heard the ship 's initial Mayday on their radio and were able to identify the vessel by radar and pass on her position to Dover Coastguard .
29 She sat , still staring at the newspaper and slowly a look of understanding came across her face as if the final piece of the jigsaw had just been put into place .
30 Sergeant Elie Tardivel tells how in June seven men from a neighbouring platoon had just been killed by a single French 155 shell .
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