Example sentences of "[noun sg] have now [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 IBM Corp has now fallen back on the reliable method of pre-announcement for its OS/2 promotion campaign .
2 Ant has now backed up against a wall . )
3 The 20th century may have been slow to arrive in Langtoft , but it is all the better for that , and whilst the village has now caught up with modern times , it remains a haven of peace from the mad pace of town and city life .
4 Mia has now flown back to America with the one-year-old dog , which she has named Tip because it came from Co Tipperary .
5 YOUR article suggesting the Queen has now given up on Charles and Diana being the next king and queen of England was fascinating .
6 That machine has now gone back to being called the Model 54 and will appear as a 45MHz TAB-packaged four-way , as it was meant to at one time .
7 That machine has now gone back to being called the Model 54 and will appear as a 45MHz TAB-packaged four-way , as had already been intended at one time .
8 The Wall Street Journal has now picked up on that story we reported last month that Apple Computer Inc and Novell Inc are working together to build the Macintosh System 7.1 look and feel atop Novell 's MS-DOS-compatible DR DOS to run on Intel Corp iAPX-86-based machines ( UX No 429 ) .
9 Meantime the Wall Street Journal has now picked up on that story we reported last month that Apple Computer Inc and Novell Inc are working together to build the Macintosh System 7.1 look and feel atop Novell 's MS-DOS-compatible DR DOS to run on iAPX-86-based machines ( CI No 2,133 ) .
10 The leadership team had now dropped down from three to two as one of the leaders could not make the trip due to work commitments so the driving was split equally between co-leader Dave Lowe and myself .
11 On the day before the April 18 announcement , the President of the Serbian state presidency , Slobodan Milosevic , had declared that Serbia 's own internal affairs secretariat had now taken over from the federal authorities in administering public security in the province .
12 ‘ We 're not there yet , because it 's not mathematically certain we can stay up , ’ insisted manager Ian Branfoot , whose team have now crept up to 17th place .
13 The sexual pendulum has now swung back to a more central position , and that 's good news !
14 The debate has now gone on for thirty minutes .
15 The Royal Society has now come up with some concrete recommendations for broader-based science education and postponement of specialisation .
16 The sky had now stripped back to blue as he entered slowly and with a surge of pleasure into the cut of Buttermere .
17 The Arab world has now broken up into three separate components and it is difficult to see how they can be reassembled .
18 The initial alarm that had swept over her in the apartment had now settled down into a tight knot of almost sick apprehension , which lay like heavy lead deep in her stomach .
19 The 12-year-old has now moved on to Branksome School , but still keeps in close contact with Philip , who lives next door .
20 Christmas Eve had now arrived along with her two grown-up children , Stephen and Carol and Carol 's husband tim .
21 The couple have now moved on to the more complicated use of silks , and subjects have varied from masterpieces such as The Old Mill and The Haywain to a girl skating on a lake and a Victorian winter scene .
22 After the frantic design years of the early 1980s board design has now settled down to a fairly stable format and it is only construction techniques that are still changing slightly .
23 His party has now signed up to Mr. MacSharry and his basic philosophy .
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