Example sentences of "[noun sg] have be a [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Alameda has been a navy town since the second world war .
2 The result has been a PR triumph for BP , and a commercial success for the partners .
3 The result has been a policy see-saw , with governments alternating between periods of centralisation , the better to gain control , followed by a decentralising reaction against the rigidities which are caused as a consequence .
4 The students conducted a market research campaign for suggestions about environmental improvements , and the result has been a wildlife garden and a flower and bird project .
5 It 's not the first time Barphone has been a takeover target .
6 General practice research has been a minority activity and underfunded in the past
7 The Public Enemy had been a Warner Bros film and that studio soon went on to consolidate its reputation as one specializing in contemporary themes by releasing I am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang .
8 The explosive had been a two-ounce wafer of Semtex , composed of 45 per cent Penta Tetro Ether Nitrate ( or PETN ) , 45 per cent RDX and 10 per cent plasticizer .
9 Johnny Hero has been a sterling encouragement to those same bands , promoting local and alternative music every Monday night on his Downtown Radio show .
10 This small but impressive gallery has been a launch pad for many artists over the years and has built up a steady , progressive reputation under the new directorship of Tim Eastop .
11 Mind you if Frank Bough had been a Manchester beauty queen with no previous experience would he have been appointed to front the BBC 's Breakfast Time as was Debbie Greenwood ?
12 He said after the funeral that his brother 's marriage had been a shot-gun affair never consummated .
13 The marriage had been a business arrangement , nothing more . ’
14 The cat had been a family favourite .
15 The sole conclusion I feel able to draw is that your young lady had been a child prostitute . ’
16 Cabbages ( part of the Wilderness had been a vegetable patch ) armed themselves with woody bark ; rhubarb threw off weak elastic branches ; roses shed superfluous petals and muscled into the potato patch ; vegetables , weeds and shrubs increased their ranks or sizes while snowdrifts or perennial flowers transformed the land .
17 The call on Sanders elicited the information that the client in question had been a Herr Fedorov , who lived in a large house just north of the village .
18 Handing them over to people outside government who know their local community has been a quantum leap in the delivery of Government policies in the important areas of training and skills .
19 The Cold War has been a paradigm war , and in that conflict both powers have exhausted themselves economically , so they have had no choice but to seek a rapprochement .
20 I saw that she still wore an engagement ring , but she told me very quickly that her fiancé had been a bomber pilot and he was dead , and it was not the same man she had been engaged to when she joined up .
21 Before becoming a dress shop , the jail had been a lunatic asylum , of the Hogarthian deep-straw-and-goggling-visitors variety .
22 What on Hunter 's initiative had been a saving grace for the College on Vial 's death — the admission of veterinary students to lectures by surgeons and physicians — later became a source of complaint .
23 My wife has been a golf widow for the last 30 years .
24 Overall , the process of becoming a budget-minded organisation has been a learning curve for some of us but has to be the right way to go . ’
25 The service has been a life line to Jeff Lockyer , he now has debts of a few hundred pounds , which compared to a couple of years ago , is an enormous weight off his mind .
26 That was in fact the private view of Harold Nicolson , although he did not allow it to be expressed in his official biography of George V. In an unpublished section of his diaries , he writes of his interview with Queen Mary on 21 March 1949 , ‘ I talked to her about the 1931 crisis and said that I was convinced the King had been a determinant influence on that occasion , ‘ Yes certainly ; he certainly was , '
27 Burbedge has been a class winner in both the video and newsmagazine categories of the Editing for Industry awards , as well as winning awards for excellence of internal and external newspapers and certificates of merit for special publications and internal newspapers .
28 I wanted to dig him in the ribs and tell him that Mrs F was the last of twelve children in her family and her father 'd been a maintenance man on the railways .
29 The loco shed had many sentimental memories for me as my late father had been a mainline driver there many years ago before the branch line , with its four stations , marshalling sidings , loco shed and workshops closed , shortly after the closure of the two adjacent collieries .
30 Like Spurgeon he had worked his way up from humble beginnings — his father had been a Northumberland stone-mason — and like Spurgeon he had had a chapel built round him .
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