Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [been] [vb pp] on [det] " in BNC.

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1 No evidence of digestion has been found on any insectivore teeth in the assemblages of the category 1 species ( Fig. 3.17 H ) .
2 It has been taken for granted for a long time that criticism and the academy go naturally together , and a large pedagogic and publishing industry has been built on that assumption .
3 You 've got , in fact , to work out what their proper significance is , but there 's no doubt that it 's seen as a kind of turning point , and although it was a Roman Catholic Council , its effect has been marked on all aspects of Christian life in Europe and , well , through the world .
4 All the same , Cissie was right in one assumption : Beth 's peace of mind had been shattered on that particular day .
5 the formula assumes that at any er as as of the first of April , half the work has been done on all erm files then outstanding , we 've gone into this before , where er we think that that 's er er a correct statistical way of erm dealing with things , if therefore you cut the number of er files which are going in , then erm , er I take it if you 're cutting the number of stage two files which are being passed over , and that 's the area where you 're most fighting at er at time we hope , and it has a very , very considerable impact on workload for next year .
6 Yet little systematic work has been done on such alternative formats , nor on the religious symbols employed by them .
7 There is , admittedly , a long tradition both in linguistics and in literary studies of analysing the works of individual writers , particularly literary writers , but relatively little work has been done on such areas of text studies as the conventions of non-literary writing within a community or the preferred patterns of organization in different types of discourse .
8 Some work has been done on this topic in recent years , but this study will differ from previous approaches by linking the unemployment flows much more closely to the other flows in the labour market .
9 Much work has been undertaken on this aircraft and it has clearly got into the blood of those at PE , so much so that should the SAAF Museum at Swartkop , near Pretoria , ever wish to move there , they would find a fearsome fight on their hands !
10 So erm can you tell us what proportion of the work erm had been completed before prices were fixed erm for those packages that have been an and also what proportion of the work has been completed on those packages yet to be priced .
11 Little or no work has been published on this conceptual activity .
12 The site has a special significance for Icelanders , whose independence has been compromised on several occasions over the years .
13 Surveillance equipment has been put on all the sets which are known , added Mr Wood , but even protectionists are not allowed to carry out work around the equipment during the November-June closed season .
14 This was a laborious process and probably the equivalent of a week 's hard work had been expended on this stone before it was abandoned .
15 Shelling had been reported on both sides in early June and Azerbaijan claimed numerous Armenian attacks on Nakhichevan and the border regions .
16 A file has been opened on each company in Norwich and information collected on a very substantial number of companies , making use of data available at Eastern Counties Newspapers , Norwich Central Library and other sources from press clippings .
17 Sometimes we 're concerned as to whether N C V O is competing with its membership about what we do , and I know that a point has been raised on that , er , by somebody who I think is present today .
18 There , as if a curtain had been raised on both sides of the river , suddenly were campsites , fishing and bathing .
19 ‘ We did n't know if another bomb had been planted on another platform , ’ admitted Miss Godfrey , who uses the station three times a week .
20 While the latter 's name has been associated on many occasions with Dublin , to date it has not operated here .
21 Mr Cook argued that 10 years of Thatcherism had been forced on most people , who had never voted Conservative , and that many of those who opposed PR in the Labour Party wanted to use the same undemocratic power ‘ to ram socialism down the throats of a majority who did n't vote for it ’ .
22 Extensive stretches of the walls of his nave have been traced on each side of the existing nave , although we do not yet know if it had an aisle along each flank .
23 Thus , where a lease has been assigned on several occasions a series , or chain , of indemnities will be built up .
24 A start has been made on this process .
25 In the knowledge that so much of the central and parochial planning has been based on these kinds of projections , many ministers want to ignore the evidence from the past and present , and work in the hope that God will do a new thing .
26 A sketch of the houses on the north side of the west end of Crown Street made by T. H. Shepherd in May 1858 shows them in the early stages of demolition , but two of his later sketches , dated March 1859 , show almost the whole south side of Fludyer Street as still standing although notice had been served on some of the occupiers as early as March 1856 .
27 But no great impact had been made on this side of the Channel .
28 His entire professional career had been based on that premise .
29 A number of experiments with financial incentives to reduce rubbish have been tried on both sides of the Atlantic , and others have been considered .
30 In the past much ink has been spilt on this problem , but little progress made .
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