Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [vb pp] [adv] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 It 's unheard of for a two-year-old to race against older horses in America , but my horse has done well and I hope more will follow us over .
2 The feeling of fear had subsided somewhat and I remembered looking into the rubble-strewn backyards and thinking how sad it was that they were now in ruin , as last time I was at the station they were occupied .
3 Touch wood , that attitude has continued now that I 'm being more positive and less of a wimp .
4 My hard disk has blown up and I 've lost that 5,000 word report .
5 Finally I turned and started back , not conscious of anything , my mind still locked in on the impression the place had made so that I only vaguely heard a voice calling me .
6 The only grass that 's well cut is where people cut it themselves outside their own house but , in particular , erm , th I would like to see the supervision of the contract and that we do n't cough up the money unless the job 's done properly because I think we 're paying for a job that 's not being either done at all , or when it is being done it 's not being done well .
7 His head had jerked up when I leapt to my feet — now it sank back on to his hollow chest .
8 Our manager even said the criticism had gone worldwide but I do n't think we are quite that important . ’
9 When you backshift it 's like the chain 's come off so I just use the rear brake to settle the suspension and stop the rear end from going crazy . ’
10 I 've found that my perception of acting and movie-making has changed drastically since I hung up my addiction , and I 've finally realized what damage I was doing to my career .
11 The man had run off and I was with child .
12 Word had got round that I was wearing red , but I think the guests were relieved when they saw me , and realised my dress was n't too outrageous , ’ says Alison .
13 if the rail fare 's gone up as I expect it may well have done .
14 to say the situation has improved dramatically because I have said if we 're gon na
15 I took their advice , but I must have had an inclination towards food to have ended up as I have .
16 Er the heating had broken down and I do n't know whether it was because of the heating or because of the tablets or whatever but they 're , they 're alright now .
17 Our collecting had begun successfully although I had failed to realise how cold it could be at night in the forest .
18 With the strain of listening for the slightest sound a desperate tiredness had set in and I was having to force myself to stay awake .
19 Not that any of my family could be that certain of the exact day on which I was born , on account of the fact that my old man had spent the night in gaol and my mother had died even before I drew breath .
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