Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [verb] on [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This chapter has concentrated on the challenges of bureau work .
2 B. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution , about 200 years ago , the way most of the people in Northern Ireland make their living has depended on the links that business managers and factory owners have made with the mainland , especially with Scotland and England .
3 Most research has focused on the effects of aerobic exercise such as running and swimming , with the conclusion that low intensity aerobic exercise during low risk pregnancy is safe .
4 Much research has focused on the messages coming from plasmid DNA which somehow codes for new versions of DHFR , subtle altered in shape ( stereochemistry ) , to prevent the TMP performing its task of inhibiting the active site .
5 Much recent research has focused on the degrees of co-operation and collusion between the mass media and those with the power to impress their own definitions of the world onto the practices of news organizations .
6 Previous attempts to establish a common tariff had foundered on the objections of the smaller CARICOM members , who feared that it would have a negative impact upon their economies .
7 The blood had dried on the wounds leaving gaping holes showing the bones .
8 For example , neo-Marxist analyses of bureaucracy and the division of labour have converged on the accounts given by elite theorists ( Parkin , 1979 ) ; and post-Althusserian and post-Gramscian Marxism is indistinguishable from pluralism except in its vocabulary ( Laclau and Mouffe , 1985 ) .
9 A second had failed on the streets of Zagreb , lifted by the Yugoslavs , locked up and the key thrown away .
10 According to reports , the investigation has centred on the activities of the cult at an address in north London and more recently at a manor house at Lutterworth , Leics .
11 So far as the production of documents is concerned much attention has focussed on the words ‘ particular documents specified in the order ’ .
12 Above all , attention has concentrated on the ways in which in the course of time they managed to transform their basis of subsistence , increase and concentrate populations and by making possible a finer subdivision of labour promote advances in technology which in turn generated further cycles of progressive change .
13 A vacancy has arisen on the Women Chemists Committee , the role of which is to raise the profile of women in chemistry by :
14 He explained that he wanted to stay silent until the special trade union review group had reported on the options available .
15 A new hill painting to rival the famous White Horse on the Ridgeway has appeared on the Downs near Oxfordshire .
16 Much of the critical attention paid to its implications for special education has centred on the procedures by which children can be excluded from the ‘ common entitlement ’ through the disapplications and modifications permitted by the Act ( Norwich 1989 , Tomlinson 1990 ) .
17 Indeed , there is a sense in which most of the working genes in a body can be said to cooperate with each other as a team , because over evolutionary time they ( i.e. ancestral copies of themselves ) have each been part of the environment in which natural selection has worked on the others .
18 If a landlord has distrained on the goods of the bankrupt in the three month period before the bankruptcy order , the proceeds of that distraint are charged for the benefit of the bankrupt 's estate with the preferential debts to the extent that the estate is not sufficient to meet them ( s347(3) ) .
19 Helen Atkins , the Council 's solicitor dealing with the issue , says the Authority has to act on the complaints it received over the summer , but admits there 's still a long way to go .
20 AI has called on the authorities to initiate an independent inquiry into the incident and to bring those responsible for extrajudicial executions to justice .
21 Related research in this area has focussed on the views of information systems managers only , and generally , has not taken into account the views of a range of managers .
22 The failures in the Lowe bearing support all exhibited evidence of overload and were fully consistent with the effects of excessive tension in the chain resulting from the chain having ridden on the peaks of the large sprocket teeth .
23 Historically , the Senate 's claim to a say in the making of foreign policy had depended on the provisions in the Constitution regarding treaty-making .
24 The fact that the government had to rely on the townsmen themselves to apportion and gather the levies was therefore an additional burden rather than a basis for establishing municipal independence .
25 The mere fact , for example , that the investor had sold on the shares would not by itself render the statutory remedy of rescission inapplicable .
26 Current socio-psychological discussions of school and gender have focused on the consequences of gender stereotyping for boys and girls .
27 Whilst public protest and scientific concern have concentrated on the dangers of the industry 's radioactive threat , and others have challenged the strategic arguments , the economics have remained the preserve of a few academic critics who have been prepared to tussle with the limited information available .
28 Published today the book has arrived on the shelves of Gloucester shops .
29 Pleased with the way dust has settled on the sieves .
30 Complete silence had fallen on the children .
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