Example sentences of "[noun sg] in his [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That soft , cloudy light in his eyes unhinged her .
2 The harsh command in his voice startled her .
3 His leonine aspect and the mischievous twinkle in his eye made his appearance as arresting as his personality .
4 His face was drawn and I could feel the tension in his hands holding my wrists .
5 The elderly cleric was standing in the doorway in his surplice to welcome them .
6 Jaq switched on the magnetics in his boots to give him purchase for possible combat .
7 Her entire body was shaking , yet the sight of his brown arm reaching out towards her and the confident ring in his voice gave her courage .
8 ‘ I was half inclined to believe you last night until I received these this morning , ’ he said , and the hidden violence in his voice made her go cold .
9 The pleasure in his voice disarmed her .
10 A man on horseback was circling the water , the reins slack in his hands to let his mount go at an idle walk .
11 STUDENT John McCoy went for a spin in his car hoping it would make him tired — and plummeted 30ft down a cliff .
12 ( A fourth possibility , others have suggested , is that Gravier never was on the airplane at all , but he sent an aide in his place using his name to deliver a package in which there was a bomb .
13 He was once a Hunt Saboteur and still has a dent in his buttocks to prove it .
14 ‘ Ask the waiter with the dent in his forehead to give you a bucketful of ice cubes and three or four napkins .
15 She had n't been frightened until then but the high panic in his voice infected her .
16 On the other hand , ’ the flat menace in his voice silenced her indignant denial before it could be voiced , ‘ a woman in her twenties might reasonably be expected to show more intelligence .
17 A father has won an important legal battle in his bid to prove his son 's death during parachute training was NOT an accident .
18 Not as yet by all three of the men , but by one who already had his handgun set up , aimed fully at John , and the flare in his hand to ignite it .
19 The Empress was in great beauty … the Emperor also looked very impressive , and when after the ceremony he held up the child in his arms to present him to the multitude , the enthusiasm was genuine and great .
20 Old Joseph had by now grown so blind that he rode with a child in his lap to guide him , and so was spared the sight of this first intrusion .
21 He pursed his lips thoughtfully and the hidden laughter in his eyes warned her that she might not like his answer .
22 The dean in his address expressed his pleasure in installing the new mayor , especially as he had been asked to serve as his chaplain during the mayor 's year of office .
23 The sneer in his voice made her lose her temper .
24 I dashed the remainder of the wine in his face to revive him , and ran up to the laboratory again .
25 A penalty point in his favour ended his bad spell and he plundered seven points in a row .
26 He had issued an instruction ; one which the glint in his eye warned she disobeyed at her peril .
27 ‘ Who did you phone besides Myra ? ’ he asked , a glint in his eyes saying it would be no use denying it .
28 Mr Heslop said : ‘ The evidence of the majority of the board is that they no longer have any confidence in his ability to discharge his function .
29 Because Dustin had eaten a few hours previously , the anaesthetist had to insert a tube in his mouth to stop him choking on his own vomit .
30 The picture in his mind caused his teeth to clench , and he muttered , ‘ Oh , Emma , Emma .
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