Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [vb past] to [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 AN Edinburgh man was so drunk when police stopped his car he had to be kept overnight before he could be charged , a court heard yesterday .
2 His eyes glinted through the black lashes and for a moment he seemed to be offering some sort of olive branch .
3 It was a job he seemed to be going after with a vengeance , despite the fact that the sizzling summer temperatures did n't exactly encourage the use of much firewood , and the lodge had not had a winter season for nearly ten years .
4 For their mother 's sake he had to be taken away .
5 John Ashburnham , the friend of Charles I , had gone into exile on his patron 's death ; at the Restoration he returned to be given several signs of royal favour , particularly in leases of valuable property .
6 And there was already the fear and the regret at the distance he seemed to be travelling from Ifor ; the utter ignorance of what was going to happen when or if he did finally and two years late pass the examination .
7 Mr Bresslaw had collapsed once before , in October last year , and on that occasion he had to be carried on a stretcher out of a show business dinner .
8 But after he collected a CBE he declined to be drawn into detailed discussion about the new BBC show which began with a healthy 13 million viewers three weeks ago , but is now believed to have dropped to around eight million and has been panned by the critics .
9 We 'd finished off the second round with an eagle when Lee put one in from miles away , and in the third round he seemed to be holing putts right , left and centre , which was a good job because we 'd fallen foul of the 6th again , for the third time .
10 A boxer before the war , Charles Nungesser had been smashed up so badly that by the time of Verdun he had to be lifted bodily into the cockpit and could only use one leg on the rudder controls .
11 In so far as he argued for the separation of economics from politics for the purpose of analysis , in a theoretical examination of the Soviet economy he seemed to be following in the footsteps of Marx .
12 Then he saw one of the boys turn his back on the man he seemed to be dancing with , hook his fingers in the skimpy underpants , wriggle them down to reveal his bottom and then wiggle the bottom until it shook like a jelly .
13 He doubted if Dysart deserved to be ruined by the ruthless young woman Clare Mallender seemed to have been , any more Man he deserved to be hounded by the unscrupulous journalist Jonathan Minter undoubtedly was .
14 Among the shadows of the platform he kept wrenching his neck around — for the first time in his life he seemed to be trying to look where he was going .
15 To the very end of his long life he continued to be consulted about these types of issues , and lived to be present at the Pan Anglican Congress of 1908 , at which so many of his ideals were acclaimed .
16 In later life he had to be subsidized by the teetotal movement and lived with his eldest sister .
17 The harder he worked at it , the less success he seemed to be having ; his pain and frustration were combining to make him angry , and he flung the bottle down onto the bed .
18 He stopped work and sued for the money he alleged to be owing .
19 In the real world he had to be ditched before Labour could ever seriously hope to form an effective government .
20 He was now in India , and judging by his last letter he appeared to be enjoying life out there .
21 ‘ While he was in hospital he had to be taught how to feed himself again .
22 For Pound undoubtedly made the poem more obscure by asking for the excision of some transitional and bridging passages where the language was not at full pressure , but on the other hand he caused to be removed some extended sections which , being plainly extraneous , could only have added to readers ' bafflement .
23 In some peculiar way he seemed to be getting into his stride .
24 Joel Swanson did not understand , nor did he ever expect to understand , exactly what was going on , but the kind of activity he seemed to be hearing about , in snatches only , was more or less exactly what he 'd expect from his wife 's relatives .
25 Bodo asked the waitress if she would take the romantic lead in a film he claimed to be making and when she had gone , said , ‘ I do n't think so , but you never know , do you ?
26 Until Christmas he seemed to be making progress , but then his heart began to fail .
27 Er the most interesting case erm , I remember was a chap who erm having completed his course erm joined the R A F and erm he was missing at Dieppe when they had the rather abortive attempt at landing at Dieppe during the war and er , but he was never erm posted as as erm having died and erm it was years afterwards , it was in the nineteen fifties in fact before we could get the Department of Education to agree to the loan being written off because erm obviously he was , by that time he had to be assumed as
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