Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [vb past] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He mounted the horse he had led for the last hour or so and walked it cautiously down into Buttermere which he entered with the utter conviction that he had been there before .
2 Instead , her stubborn mind persisted in remembering the unexpectedly lighter side he had shown at the inn .
3 ‘ No wonder no one knew about him ! ’ the sergeant exclaimed as he studied the identity card he had found in the man 's wallet .
4 He felt like nursery food after the pummelling he 'd had during the meeting and that was the nearest thing to it on the menu .
5 It shows Inspector Peter Clarke under hypnosis -talking about the car he saw parked on the motorway on the day of the murder .
6 Tragically , Jim failed to recover from the stroke he had suffered on the Saturday morning ( 28th May ) and died the following morning .
7 Kalchu climbed on to the roof of the house , and with the flame he 'd brought from the shrine fire set light to the two piles of jharo .
8 In view of the weight he had given to the idea of an aristocratic plot , Edward found his flat reaction to the name of Hamilton quite puzzling .
9 The jury at Bristol Crown Court was told that Mantack took with him a tape he had made of a woman 's voice crying for help .
10 Throw a shovelful of tarmac into the canal and they went to pieces , it had n't been his fault he 'd tripped over the cat .
11 In 1904 the Ontario Provincial Geologist , impressed by the quantities of the rare mineral cobalt he had detected in the ores of one locality , Long Lake , put up a post with a board attached bearing the legend ‘ Cobalt Station , Temiskamming and Northern Ontario Railway ’ .
12 ANGLER Arthur Davis cast his line off Dover pier in Kent — and hooked the wig he 'd lost in the sea a week earlier .
13 Some let-out he 'd got in the contract .
14 On March 26 Noubir Amaoui , secretary-general of the Democratic Confederation of Labour ( CDT ) — a trade union grouping close to the opposition Socialist Union of Popular Forces ( USFP ) — was arrested at the CDT offices in Casablanca in connection with an interview he had given to the Spanish newspaper El País on March 11 .
15 The wheel he had mounted on a bit of rod from Stewart 's smithy still turned freely in the burn at the side of the kail-yard .
16 After parting from his jockey Macer Gifford at the very first fence he had continued with the rest of the field all the way round , clearing every obstacle and keeping with the herd .
17 But in the last surge of light he 'd seen beyond the reflection of the glass vizor — at the horror within .
18 TEENAGER Steven Perry dived into a canal in West Bromwich and saved a drowning youngster — using the kiss-of-life he had seen on the TV series Casualty .
19 He also took a stick out of the packet of Edinburgh rock he had bought on the first day .
20 His heart danced with pleasure in his chest and all the fear he had experienced at the station turned to joy .
21 Working with an ensemble he had built in a hall whose construction he had supervised , he could afford to be as relaxed as he wished , and also as demanding .
22 Karelius crawled from beneath the wooden bivouac he had occupied during the night .
23 At length Zen lazily drew out of his pocket the three items of mail he had collected from the Questura .
24 He had spent a while in the toilet , most of the time with his ear to the stethoscope-like instrument he 'd pressed against the closed door .
25 In the middle of this episode he had fled into the garden , terrified .
26 The crazy guy , now at the bottom of the Baltic with his crew , had turned out to be a secret and tormented homosexual , a condition he had hidden under an apparently conventional marriage .
27 The First ( or rather the first he acknowledged , since there had been a previous Quartettsatz he had written at the age of 25 ) was completed in 1920 after a long gestation period of four years — partly explicable by its extreme complexity and his elaborately detailed indications on the playing of almost every note .
28 On a pre-war state visit to India , he outraged officialdom by cutting a banquet to slip away to a pretty Burmese princess he had met at the Middlesex Regiment Ball .
29 In that capacity he had presided over a campaign against corruption , and more positively over a relaxation of the restrictions upon private trade and local government .
30 He winked at her like a cheery market tradesman selling substandard goods , already thinking of the lunch he had planned with an old colleague from the Manchester force .
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