Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [modal v] have [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 To take the photograph he must have stood on the edge of the wood , under the beech hedge which bounded it perhaps .
2 Archbishop Hugh of Lyons was the outstanding advocate and example of this policy in the last quarter of the eleventh century , and whatever influence he may have had on Anselm 's later political vocabulary , he had none at all in this matter .
3 And he would n't have dismissed a Melissa with a kiss as light as thistledown — the sort of kiss he might had bestowed on a child .
4 Mr Clare told his son he had been saving the money he would have spent on his university education for him .
5 If Pound had attended to Thomas Hardy 's marriage to Florence Emily Dugdale within two years of the death of his first wife , Emma , there can be little doubt that this is the verdict he would have passed on the transaction .
6 It was n't the sort of thing he would have put on the wall next to his bed but it was a lot more acceptable than Mr Pilkington in a black cowl .
7 I felt that after my performance with Rose he would have called on the services of Jim Oakley for any further trouble .
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