Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [modal v] [vb infin] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had access to Hammad Haiba whose mother 's sister was Salah 's wife 's sister-in-law ; and with Salha on his side he could redouble the pressure : Hammad was Salha 's grandson .
2 However please do n't anyone tell Graham Kelly about all this — he 'll probably try and stop us sending messages to list members in Europe , or make an announcement that the authorities are doing all in their power to break up some hooligan ring he 'll call the Sony Hedgehog Club .
3 It was nice to talk over old times and Swire Sugden assured me that in future he would get a consensus before sending in the bulldozers .
4 In such a situation it is possible for the parent 's self control to snap and in a moment of aberration he may strike the child in a manner that is instantly regretted and most unlikely ever to be repeated . ’
5 With a little more coaching he might get the knack .
6 Over its roof he could see the forecourt patterned with parking lots , the police cars tidily aligned and what looked like a mortuary van .
7 The slanting sun was behind her , and as she stood there in the doorway he could see the outline of those smooth , slim thighs through the fine fabric .
8 Often at first light he would thrust the bedclothes away and get up to escape those delicious but agonising visions .
9 Even in the stale electric light he could visualise the scene like an old , blurred snapshot .
10 By the watchfires ' waning light he could discern a handful of ghostly figures flitting about nearby .
11 If he were a poet he would write a poem to that glimpse of bare ankle .
12 As Owen 's eyes became accustomed to the dark he could see the dog more clearly .
13 For the world , he will play the Hermit of Croisset ; for his friends in Paris , he will play the Idiot of the Salons ; for George Sand he will play the Reverend Father Cruchard , a fashionable Jesuit who enjoys hearing the confessions of society women ; for his intimate circle he will play Saint Polycarpe , that obscure Bishop of Smyrna , martyred in the nick of time at the age of ninety-five , who pre-echoed Flaubert by stopping up his ears and crying out , ‘ Oh Lord !
14 From a ground-floor window he could see the smudges of watching faces .
15 Through the living-room window he can see a playpen , and a child 's pot standing on the table .
16 When we was about fourteen in the fourth year at school , there was this quite chubby bloke he 'd have a towel just there while you shower .
17 Where the plaintiff has consented to the defendant 's act he will have no action .
18 For a second he could see every detail of the men 's faces at the bow cannon .
19 According to ancient Iridani law he must undergo a test of courage and skill , overcoming earth warriors in five different aeons .
20 I understand the hon. Gentleman 's concern , which is shared by my Department , but I do not think that on reflection he would want the defence industry to be singled out for particular treatment from our other manufacturing industries .
21 It was warm under the skin rugs , and now that Madra had taken off most of her winter clothing he could feel the shape of her curved next to him .
22 If he lingered at the end of the corridor he could see the class without Percy Makepeace seeing him .
23 Will the Minister confirm that the total cost of the Trident programme is likely to be over £23 billion , that it is a monstrous waste of money , that to hold nuclear weapons is immoral and that in the interests of world peace he should cancel the programme and provide useful work for the highly skilled people who have manufactured those awful weapons of mass destruction ?
24 Hall said that he was intending to proceed with the two offices , and during the recess he would have the interiors of the designs amended .
25 On the next landing he could hear a TV set on the floor above .
26 Along the landing he could see the door of Stevie 's and Midge 's bedroom open .
27 At any moment he would slide a spike between her ribs .
28 The time for gentlemanliness had passed ; in a moment he could learn the truth of her , and if to do so involved not behaving like a gentleman , then so be it .
29 In a moment he will lift the latch and kick the bottom of the door .
30 I hope that if the Minister can not accept the amendment he will take the matter seriously and will understand that we are dealing with people who , by and large , do not have the interests of the travelling public at heart , but are interested only in making money .
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