Example sentences of "[noun sg] for a long [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The first step in achieving this objective is to guarantee a place on Employment Training ( ET ) for everyone who has been out of work for a long period of time .
2 However , many clients were supported by the scheme , and it is only through comparison with the control sample that one can determine whether or not the project was successful in sustaining them at home for a longer period of time than would have been the case without it .
3 Freud thought that the need for a long period of education for young men and women in the ‘ civilized ’ sections of modern societies was linked with the development of neurotic illness because of the deferment of sexual gratification necessary while education took place .
4 He always found room for a long line of sweet peas ; it gave him immense pleasure to pick an armful of these , take them home , present them to Mum and fill the house with their glorious scent .
5 Was it at this moment that some reciprocal need established an understanding that they two were friends , would know each other for a long part of a life-time ?
6 ‘ Innes Place had been vacant ground for a long number of years , and the planning people insisted that there never had been houses fronting on to the Donegall Road , ’ Mr Smyth explained .
7 In the Covermaster Plan , Andrew , there 's something called waiver of premium , what this means to you is that if you 're off work through illness for a long period of time , Abbey 's going to pay the premiums for you .
8 Mayor Houde made his business headquarters at the Mount Royal , and when I enquired the reason for a long queue of nondescript citizens waiting before a desk on the mezzanine floor , I was told that it was ‘ pay-off ’ day for contributors to the mayor 's ‘ charity fund ’ for their ‘ protection ’ .
9 But many parents would clearly be unable to make this type of commitment and there will be mentally handicapped people , just as there are many ordinary people , who find themselves without an occupation for a long period of their lives .
10 We have had a problem for a long period of time now on high conductivity .
11 The Grantley Ripper looked set for a long reign of terror .
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