Example sentences of "[noun sg] for the [noun prp] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Much of the evidence , indeed , suggests that a substantial section of support for the WCTU came from the working class , and that it was not homogeneously white , Anglo-Saxon , Protestant , old middle class as Gusfield claims .
2 While support for the PLO fell in the West , there was little sign of the emergence of any alternative Palestinian leadership .
3 Moreover , the low figure for the USA has to be seen against a much higher level of per capita income .
4 The forecasts follow broadly similar lines to a projection for the US made by the American government 's Bureau of Labour Statistics ( p 635 ) .
5 The complexity of the client group/unit cost approach which is the basis for the GRE contrasts with the formula used to allocate the great majority of current expenditure to the National Health Service .
6 When a Goblin unit breaks or flees past during the turn , there is no need for the Orcs to test for panic .
7 The special run by ‘ Locomotion ’ was a late addition to Sunday 's schedule , however , after a spectacularly successful weekend event for the WSR enjoyed by at least 9,000 people .
8 The accumulation rate for the ACCs peaked in 1970–1 at just over 5½ per cent — an increase of over 1 percentage point relative to the early sixties .
9 This was influenced by Oman 's wish for the GCC to act as a military alliance in conjunction with the West against a perceived Soviet threat .
10 Other uncontested stipulations were that any candidate for the CCD had to be " over 21 , a practising citizen and be elected in the election registry of Peru " .
11 A spokesman for the IAEA said on May 23 that stocks of enriched uranium had survived the Gulf war virtually intact , but were still recoverable .
12 On June 5 a spokesman for the NPFL denied over the rebel radio station at Gbarnga that the Front was holding any ECOMOG troops .
13 Meanwhile Irish FA secretary David Bowen announced today they were extending their double match ticket offer to the public until Wednesday — by a briefs for the Latvia game and be assured of getting the same number for the November clash with the Republic .
14 It seemed the ideal way for the NFC to go into the private sector .
15 My hon. Friend the Member for The Wrekin talked of the boot being on the other foot .
16 The West German plan , which has been agreed in outline by President Franois Mitterrand , will fix June 1994 as the final date for the EC to move to full monetary union , including a supra-national central-banking system .
17 Nothing was mentioned at the PowerOpen event yesterday ( see front ) , but it turns out that some of the enabling technology for Apple Computer Inc 's Macintosh Application Services software for the PowerPC came from AT&T Co-backed start-up firm Echo Logic Inc ( CI No 1,926 ) .
18 To read about the Regional Council 's view on the best local government system for the Lothians turn to page 4 .
19 ‘ WHO was ‘ Quickstep ’ , who wrote a weekly dance feature for the Wednesday Echo in the 1930s ? ’ asks Tricia Jenkins , of Liverpool University .
20 When the plans were made it was not known that Myrtle Mott would be unable to teach during the year or that one of the days selected would coincide with an invitation for the N.D.T. to appear in Scotland .
21 ‘ The idea for the Dalek came from my mind .
22 Botha , meanwhile , signed off with a few words of advice for the Welsh : ‘ They are going berserk about nothing and it might be time for the WRU to concentrate on their own rugby . ’
23 Power for the XM comes from a pair of 2.0-litre engines ( one of which is fuel-injected ) , a diesel , a turbodiesel and a 3.0-litre V6 .
24 To give you another example , the initial design for the Dalek had to be prepared for a Monday morning meeting .
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