Example sentences of "[noun sg] for the [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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31 In this respect considerable reliance was placed upon Lord Diplock 's dictum in Gill and Duffus SA v Berger and Co Inc [ 1984 ] AC 382 : … while " description " itself is an ordinary English word , the Act contains no definition of what it means when it speaks in that section of a contract for the sale of goods being a sale " by description " .
32 Having concluded that this was not a contract for the sale of goods by description …
33 An exclusion of liability for negligence in a consumer contract was held unreasonable at first instance in Woodman v Photo Trade Processing Ltd ( 1981 ) , unreported where a clause in a contract for the processing of photographs provided that in the event of loss the processor was only to be liable for the value of the unprocessed material .
34 Where there is economic advantage in reusing information there will be an easy business case for the preservation of records .
35 If ever there was a case for the timetabling of Bills , it is the shenanigans over this Bill .
36 They have made their case for the ordination of women with obvious conviction , backed up with arguable facts ( in my opinion ) — but the whole argument is delivered in a studiously temperate and fair way that will impress even those who disagree with it .
37 Has not my right hon. Friend the Member for Chingford ( Mr. Tebbit ) made a powerful case for the use of fingerprints under clause 2 ?
38 As a result they have considerable doubts about the validity of the case for the control of mergers .
39 There is with Article 85(3) , provision for the granting of exemptions by the Commission in the case of beneficial agreements , " … which contribute to improving the production or distribution of goods or to promoting technical or economic progress , while allowing consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit … " , provided that such agreements do not impose any indispensable restrictions or provide the possibility of eliminating competition .
40 The failure to include some provision for the welfare of students is also deeply regrettable .
41 The management contract runs for three years and includes provision for the recycling of clothes , paper , glass , metals , oils and the removal of CFCs from refrigerators .
42 The Article 7 argument would have allowed Germany to continue with its opt-out provision for the benefit of employees , but the argument does not imply that countries , such as the UK , which in their national legislation make the transfer compulsory upon both employee and employer , are acting inconsistently with Community law .
43 Such orders may make provision for the examination of witnesses , either orally or in writing ; for the production of documents ; for the inspection , photographing , preservation , custody or detention of any property ; for the taking of samples of any property and the carrying out of any experiments on or with any property ; for the medical examination of any person ; and for the taking and testing of samples of blood from any person .
44 Official encouragement of the increased use of the language , promotion of a national literacy campaign and provision for the writing of dictionaries and grammars and the development of specialised terminologies for higher education , have been regarded as an important part of Tanzania 's search for a national identity and the enrichment of the lives of its citizens .
45 The acceptance of such a scheme meant that the government had accepted , albeit for economic and demographic reasons , the principle that ‘ society should include in its economic structure some form of direct financial provision for the maintenance of children , instead of proceeding on the assumption that , save in cases of exceptional misfortune , this is a matter which concerns only individual parents and should be left to them because normally men 's wages or salaries are , or ought to be and can be made to be , sufficient for the support of their families ’ ( Rathbone , 1940 ) .
46 The designation ‘ software management ’ refers to those activities and procedures concerned with orderly file and data handling , provision for the maintenance of standards and , not least , a means of rendering the production process visible .
47 That theological colleges and courses , as well as those responsible for post-ordination training and continuing ministerial training , review their provision for the training of ordinands and clergy in the art of preparing for and conducting public worship , and the use of music within it ( 563 — 569 ) .
48 The appointment of clinical supervisors and the introduction of structured education and training will be effective only if there are profound conceptual changes in the understanding of the purpose of the preregistration year , if there are contractual agreements to enable the educational supervisor to fulfil the role , and if there is financial provision for the training of trainers and regular formative assessment of the trainees .
49 The socialist sisters Margaret and Rachel Macmillan were especially active , first in Bradford , then in London , in pressing through the school boards and municipal councils for more municipal and state provision for the health of infants .
50 The $30,900 million budget for the Department of Veterans ' Affairs included an increase of $1,000 million in the allocation for its 172 hospitals .
51 Provision is to be made in next year ‘ s budget for the planting of trees .
52 Any hope for the flavour of leeks in a soup , which was again under-seasoned , was drowned in the excessive amount of cream used .
53 This is the only hope for the conservation of pubs from a period with planning ideas so remote from our own .
54 Nabiyev agreed to all the US proposals for weapon control , specifically to restrictions on sales of arms components , and gave assurances that Tajikistan would not sell uranium for the use of weapons production .
55 Under the Debtors Act no one could be imprisoned except ( and then for only twelve months ) for default in payment of a penalty ; default by a trustee ordered to pay a sum in his possession ; default by an attorney in payment of costs ; or default in the payment for the benefit of creditors of any income which a court ordered or any other sums .
56 However , sometimes there is reference in ancient church records showing payment for the purchase of woods , which would relate to the materials used for the benches and their ends .
57 Some landowners on Dartmoor are trying to enforce a booking system and even payment for the use of facilities on their land such as rock outcrops for climbing .
58 Attempts to solve the problem become more and more radical and the rules set by the paradigm for the solution of problems become progressively more loosened .
59 The Womens Artist Slide Library is pleased to announce that it has succeeded in retaining its Arts Council funding for the publication of Women 's Art Magazine and has been offered financial assistance towards the running of the organisation over the next year .
60 DES has offered specific funding for the appointment of inspectors and some LEAs now have distinct advisory and inspectorial services .
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