Example sentences of "[noun sg] for [noun] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The restoration of the warehouse and the adjoining 457m ( 500yd ) length of canal is viewed with enthusiasm by the Wey and Arun Canal Trust , a society which has worked since the early 1970s for the complete restoration of the Arun Navigation and the Wey and Arun Junction Canal between Pallingham and the River Wey , and which has restored the opportunity for navigation to several stretches of these waterways .
2 They are intended to provide an opportunity for pupils of all abilities to show what they can do in realistic activities that themselves contribute to learning .
3 The plan is designed to achieve equality of opportunity for people from these groups within the ES .
4 To me , rock climbing means hot sunshine , shorts and a T-shirt , and the usual way to find that is a holiday to the south of France , But another superb option is Montserrat , a paradise for climbers of all grades .
5 I therefore arranged a meeting with Colin Campbell of DOMIS for representatives of all departments using 12/24 St Giles Street to consider both issues .
6 They need therefore to elaborate the case for history with such audiences in mind .
7 ‘ But then that 's the case for women in most jobs . ’
8 If this is a difficulty , the solution is to allow firms to present a case for exemption from those rules if they can demonstrate that the public interest will be furthered thereby .
9 It is usual to make specific provision for service of such notices , eg at the last known home address of a partner , in a way that will afford evidence that it has been duly given ( eg by registered delivery , entry in the firm 's post book etc ) .
10 It will be open between 8.15am and 6.15pm , with provision for care outside these hours .
11 There should be provision for practice of all skills , revision should be built in and the design of the text should be attractive and easy to read .
12 You do n't have to be regular cyclist to enjoy a cycling holiday in Holland as the safe , segregated cycle lanes have special traffic lights and signposts for cyclists making it a relaxing and enjoyable pastime for people of all ages ; families , couples , or groups of friends .
13 Literally thousands of people have benefited form Nancy 's instruction and she has perhaps been one of the greatest advocates of the Sunday Painter school , encouraging an increase in the popularity of painting as a pastime for people of all ages and from all walks of life .
14 Ring the Park for details of these events .
15 Replacement of the eroded ragstone facing could have provided a problem were it not for the fact that the builder who was employed to undertake the conversion was dismantling an identically constructed church at Canterbury at the same time and thus it was possible to import salvaged ragstone from the demolition for re-use at All Saints and St Barnabas .
16 Obliged to ask parliament for funds for these expeditions and for his other expenses , the King found that , instead of voting him the customs duties for life , as was normal on the monarch s accession , it attempted to impeach Buckingham for corruption and incompetence .
17 Though there is no specific reference to Dalriadic support for Oswiu in these years , the suspicion that a Dalriadic alliance was a constant factor in the Bernician situation under Oswald and Oswiu must be a strong one .
18 The course for knitters with any machines will be held on 20th to 24th July and will be followed by one specifically tailored for electronic machine owners on 27th to 31st July .
19 At that time , European scholars were fascinated by the technological and , as they saw them , moral triumphs of their age , and obsessed with the necessity for progress in all fields of human endeavour ; they felt a positive obligation to contemplate continually the long , hard road along which man had struggled in his search for perfection .
20 There is , however , more than just a need ; for there is fundamental necessity for vision at all levels of human affairs ; all groups of people , even small teams as well as nations , must have a vision , or everything subsides into confusion and what is worse , lets power fall into the hands of practical , and unseeing men who press only their own interests , leading to strife and despair .
21 He himself had received letters from all over England , seeking his advice on questions of conscience , and found that it was unsatisfactory for Anglicans to have to rely on Roman Catholic literature for guidance in such matters .
22 Please ask at any Midland branch for details of both schemes .
23 With Christmas coming , it 's an ideal present for artists of all ages .
24 Sections 6 and 7 of the UCTA override these provisions , and , in effect , provide for mandatory inclusion of such warranties in the contracts covered by these sections , since the easiest way to exclude liability for breach of such warranties is to exclude them altogether from the terms of the contract .
25 2 The extent of the client 's potential liability for breach of those obligations .
26 If the business buys goods for resale , or components for assembly , the terms on which it buys should be considered : to what extent is it possible to pass back liability for defects in those goods ; can the business recover an indemnity from its supplier against any liability it incurs to third parties , or is such liability excluded ? ( 3 ) Who are the business 's customers ?
27 A Childrens Paradise Recreation Park will provide hours of fun and an unforgettable experience for children of all ages .
28 We have seen exactly the same psychological process in palaeontology , where the fashionable fixation for homoeomorphy in many groups brainwashed many of us into thinking : " if they look alike they ca n't be related " !
29 By order of Master Miller dated 2 November 1990 the following point of law was ordered to be tried as a preliminary point before the trial of the action , namely whether the council could maintain an action for libel for any words which reflected upon the council as the county council for Derbyshire in relation to its governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , including its statutory responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund , and whether , if not , the statement of claim disclosed a cause of action .
30 ‘ whether the plaintiff … can maintain an action for libel for any words which reflects [ sic ] upon the said plaintiff as the county council for Derbyshire in relation to its governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , including its statutory responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund …
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