Example sentences of "[noun sg] i [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This had already been binned but I binned the offer as well , just in case I ever came close to considering it seriously .
2 Of course I simply wandered away in the opposite direction .
3 Then I launched into a sort of ‘ Clap-hands here comes Sophie Tucker crossed with a couple of Golden Girls and a dash of every mother of every girl I ever grew up with ’ , live from Carnegie Deli .
4 I flew too high , and then I was going higher , faster , I could n't stop , like a feather finding a vent I just shot up to the spindle , and there I stuck , dangling in zero-g I kicked and flailed , I was hopeless , I had no idea how to get away I had n't got anything I could throw I could n't even see straight anyway , my eyes were tearing The pollution was pretty bad up there , I started coughing , and then I could n't stop
5 When I get onto the pavement I just sit there with my feet in the road .
6 The first person I ever came out to as a student was a person I suspected of being gay and everyone else thought he was gay ; in fact , he vehemently denied it after I came out .
7 As Lauda remarked : ‘ He was someone I took a great liking to , the craziest devil I ever came across in F1 . ’
8 I asked him to take that out , but I 'm sure that was the only edit I ever insisted on from his work , which otherwise was super .
9 ‘ I think this is the hardest bed I ever slept on in my whole life . ’
10 I threw my bag into Armstrong 's boot and checked the sleeping-bag I always kept there in a polythene bag .
11 In the end I just came out with it to my mum , " I 'm having a baby and I 'm keeping it . "
12 At Easter and Christmas I still went home to Cliff Top .
13 I live on the reserve from March until early December and during this time I only go over to the mainland about once a month .
14 At the time I almost lived up to my nickname , Bone — close to Tone , and closer still to bone idle .
15 " … last time I ever go anywhere on them British Railways .
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