Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , and the other one is the registration and inspection , where in the current year we have access to the best part of sixty five thousand pounds from to meet registration inspection , and you 'll see in the additions list , that , that there is er , a bid in there for the ongoing costs of that .
2 What caused the accident remains a mystery , although a cut in on of the rear tyres was discovered over a week later , but according to Lotus is was impossible to be categoric as to the real cause .
3 This digression is prompted by the experience of watching the Prime Minister trying to horrid to Neil Kinnock twice a week and occasionally trying to put the boot in elsewhere to the Labour Party .
4 I it looks like there 's a lot of freedom in there at the local level which is of interest .
5 I takes the lot in there for the lower orders , ’ said Sid .
6 The answer in invariably in the negative — often quite rudely !
7 , William ( fl. 1323–1349 ) , mason and architect , belonged to a distinguished architectural family of East Anglia , descended from tenants of the abbot of Ramsey at Wyke Fen in Well since the twelfth century ( A. B. Whittingham in Archaeological Journal , vol. cxxvii , pp. 285–9 ) .
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