Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [noun] that [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The great experiment in redemption that began back in Genesis 12 has failed .
2 It is the very particular choreographic style that MacMillan created for the child-like figure in Requiem that emphasises more strongly than any other of today 's ballets the need for choreographers to explore dance itself .
3 The first comprehensive study in Britain that looks specifically at Black women 's experience of domestic violence is currently nearing completion .
4 It does n't do any harm in machines that do n't require this rerouting so it is installed as a default .
5 ‘ Whoa ! ’ is constructed slyly , so from the outside it looks like it was made by tramps in their lunch hour , but in reality it is a nifto exercise in song-building that starts off quiet and nervous and by the end is running about the room shouting and pouring lager into flowerpots .
6 The corresponding percentage in countries that rely wholly on list systems is commonly much higher — regularly well over 20 , for example , in Norway , Sweden , Denmark and Finland .
7 ‘ I noticed a teaching job in Sheffield that did n't look too bad . ’
8 Far more invidious , as we now know , is the lead in air that comes mainly from petrol .
9 He just simply moved his body in ways that communicated more effectively than words .
10 The Mani Pulite — clean hands — investigation in Italy that has now snared Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA ( see page seven ) has won universal admiration for its thoroughness and determination not to pull punches ; our only concern is that if you simply put the two words Mani and Pulite together , the thing does n't sound nearly so squeaky clean …
11 There we read the following definition : Subsequently Day repeats this concept in terms that seem especially relevant to the quiet tone and intimate atmosphere of the Sonnets .
12 Current flows from the front half of the fish , out into the water in lines that curve back and return to the tail end of the fish .
13 Future funding from the Board to law centres would be for cases done under the green forms and legal aid schemes , including any new arrangements that might be developed , ‘ and possibly grants for specific types of work where the law centres could demonstrate that they would provide a better and more efficient service in ways that did not lend themselves to payment on a case by case basis . ’
14 ‘ Then you must be about the only person in London that has n't heard , ’ Bragg said drily .
15 Radio RIN ( Radio Infantil Nacional — National Children 's Radio ) is the only radio station in Mexico that caters exclusively for the country 's 41 million children .
16 An additional cooling factor may have been the El Niño phenomenon , a change in the ocean currents in the Pacific which occurs every three to seven years , causing droughts , torrential rainfall and an overall rise in temperatures that last about 18 months .
17 In many cases , it was the physical symptoms alone that were the target of the treatment , and both doctor and patient were pleasantly surprised at the change in mood that occurred simultaneously .
18 In the following chapter I will prepare the way for an analysis of that kind and in Chapter 11 I will propose an account of theory change in physics that does not hinge on the judgements of individuals or groups .
19 Denofa wanted to achieve an edge over rivals by marketing its Solidox brand in tubes that stand upright on their caps without outer cartons .
20 Fleischmann has had some excellent ideas including methods to measure the surface diffraction of X-rays and he has made a detailed study of electrolysis in solutions that do not conduct electricity .
21 And the tensions coincided with a downturn in sales that indicated both the ebbing of the 1968 wave , and the growth of other revolutionary papers which did have links to particular groups .
22 In part , as the UNCTC considers , this is due to a ‘ widespread impression that service industries consist largely of technologically stagnant , small-scale personal services based on unskilled labour working with little capital in ways that have not changed for many years ’ .
23 Many writers have identified the increasing intervention of the US Occupation in labour affairs with the anti-communist spirit in Washington that grew partly in parallel with Mao 's growing dominance of China .
24 But if PRP substitutes for existing pay , it is rarely going to be practicable for the employer to pocket the whole of the saving , since this would imply not only a reduction in the employees ' gross pay , but also an element of risk in remuneration that had previously been assured .
25 I got it second-hand from a foundry in Sunderland that closed down last year .
26 Besides , there have been so many opportunities for growth in countries that do not require local equity sharing that they have had little incentive to try to build businesses in those countries that do .
27 These katures of the National Curriculum framework offer a powerful resource with which to classify children according to their level of attainment in ways that do not help teachers to overcome their difficulties .
28 Why , asked the Prince , was Britain the only country in Europe that did not have some kind of community service .
29 The EC Council of Ministers needs to establish a general mechanism for negotiating with Switzerland now that it is the only country in Europe that has neither EC nor EEA status .
30 He signalled a waiter who was lounging in the doorway , and gave the order in Italian that sounded as fluent as his English , before continuing , ‘ So , what brings you to Venice ? ’
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