Example sentences of "[noun sg] the [noun] [vb mod] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In contracted to sell wine on terms that after the contract the wine would be stored for the purchaser by the vendor .
2 Under the contract the fuel will be stored in Dounreay until 1996 and then returned to Germany .
3 Also in September 1989 pupils in key stages 1–3 were brought within the scope of section 10(3) of the Act — which provides that prior to the introduction of the prescribed ATs and PS the subjects should be covered for a ‘ reasonable time ’ , taken to mean sufficient for ‘ worthwhile study ’ in each subject .
4 In allergy the condition can be treated with a potency of the substance to which the patient is allergic , such as house dust in cases of house-dust-mite allergy , grass pollens in hay fever , chloroform in chloroform allergy ( as in the case of the technician described in Chapter 1 ) and so on .
5 At the end of the assessment the client will be reassured that the problem is understandable , and that there is , ‘ light at the end of the tunnel ’ , in terms of a provisional treatment plan .
6 The transfer of the benefit of the contract is most commonly dealt with by way of an assignment unless the contract is being novated , in which case the benefit will be dealt with alongside the burden in the novation agreement .
7 Letraset can be used , in which case the letters may be reduced to 3 mm .
8 It was contended that in the circumstances of the case the discretion should be exercised in Mr. Steed 's favour and the charges register rectified accordingly .
9 The failure of the crop of Blackacre will render it impossible to perform the contract in the first example , whereas in the latter case the contract can be fulfilled by supplying potatoes from any source .
10 In either case the patient should be reassured that this is only a temporary measure .
11 For instance , the information focus may be placed on John , and in this case the message will be understood as a statement of who was appointed Chairman and may imply surprise or contrast :
12 It may carry fittings for stand-offs , in which case the cross-spar must be rotated so that the fittings point In the correct direction , then the spar can be inserted into the vinyls .
13 However , this implicitly assumes that the investor may be able to reinvest the dividend for the same return at a lower risk than the firm ( or for a higher return for the same risk ) which , given the asymmetry of information , can not be the case unless the firm itself has an inferior investment policy , in which case the investor would be advised to withdraw his or her investment from the firm completely .
14 In this case the cylinder can be treated as a very large bucket .
15 In such a case the counter-restitution could be achieved by a financial adjustment based on the value of the shares .
16 Proposals and opinions such as those mentioned here are usually published in the Official Journal of the European Communities ( C Series ) , and in that case the citations will be accompanied by the reference to the relevant publication in the Official Journal .
17 Require content to be modified , revised or re-written : in which case the centre will be advised within 4 weeks and will be required to resubmit within the next four weeks .
18 Both areas will be far below optimum today but — and this is the important point — in the one case the land can be brought back to full production easily , whereas in the other case a long and costly process of fertility building will be necessary .
19 If the word is too long ( i.e. longer than some upper bound ) then do not attempt correction , in which case the word might be sent back to the user to be re-written .
20 In that case the vessel should be deemed to be a constructive total loss .
21 In that case the net must be gathered up with extreme care , since care taken now will mean the net can be set that much more easily at the next site .
22 I can see no ground whatever , on the face of the statute , why in a section 8(2) case the driver should be invited to state whether he prefers to give blood or urine or to state any reasons for his preference .
23 In the latter case the operation would be repeated with a second set of tests .
24 The court in Malone also held , however , that even if an action in confidence does apply to telephone conversations , in this case the circumstances would be governed by Gartside v. Outram , where it was held that ‘ there is no confidence in the disclosure of an iniquity ’ , observations subsequently explained by Lord Denning as merely an instance of just cause or excuse for breaking a confidence .
25 With regard to income tax , of course , the danger is that the powers of the protector are such as effectively to make him a trustee in which case the trust may be deemed to be resident in the United Kingdom under FA 1989 , s110 if the settlor when he created the settlement was resident , etc in the United Kingdom .
26 Perhaps in this case the injunction can be ignored since the pattern is so widespread and so instinctively attractive .
27 She and Bernard could come and go as they pleased , partly thanks to Ruby and Molly , two local women who kept Rhydoldog clean and checked each day for telexes which might announce the Ashley 's return , in which case the beds would be aired and food prepared .
28 In this case the details can be entered here whenever a file is amended and a printout obtained at will .
29 If the position changes during the course of the case the client should be informed at once .
30 If the latter is the case the speed should be checked by the ASI and , provided that it is adequate , the airbrakes can be used for a normal approach and landing .
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