Example sentences of "[noun sg] and was [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The fire , at Cragside , was in a first floor bedroom and was believed to be caused by electrical equipment overheating .
2 Owen 's own first chosen vehicle , the co-operative community , had become an irrelevance and was seen to be impracticable .
3 In other contexts the courts have taken a broad , purposive approach to the interpretation of the 1977 Act ; thus in Smith v Eric S Bush ; Harris v Wyre Forest DC [ 1989 ] 2 All ER 514 the House of Lords held that a disclaimer of liability on a surveyor 's report , which purported to prevent the surveyor owing a duty of care to the recipient of the report , was subject to s2 of the Act and was required to be reasonable .
4 A roundabout was built at the top of Anerley Hill to provide a run-round loop and was said to be located partly in five different boroughs .
5 The driver , who was normally employed as a fitter , but had some driving experience with the Corporation , was acting as a relief driver and was found to be principally to blame for the accident , because of his lack of experience , which resulted in his letting the car take the curve at too great a speed and the conductor for applying the hand brake at his end so as to lock the wheels ; he had received no instruction on the proper procedure .
6 That scepticism and memory were to be important when he became an archbishop and was expected to be a leader in the organization .
7 He had a reputation for being tough in the water and was alleged to be a champion of ‘ localism ’ — the attitude of resident surfers who guard their break jealously and resent the intrusion of outsiders .
8 By the time of Ramesses IV in the Twentieth Dynasty , Amenhotep was worshipped as a dead king and was thought to be an intermediary between men and gods , particularly in relation to Amun , god of Thebes .
9 Ms Gibson was taken to Hammersmith police station and was said to be too distraught to be interviewed , a CID spokesman said .
10 All three were sentenced to 25 years , although Martina Shanahan had served 200 days virtually of solitary confinement at Risley whilst on remand and was said to be losing her mind by the time the trial began .
11 Viability was measured using trypan blue exclusion and was found to be >95% both before and after two hours culture .
12 The growth of the Welfare State was seen to have developed diseconomies of scale and was seen to be securing staff interests rather than the public 's .
13 She went with the Reverend Baron and his wife and daughter and was consoled to be among such a party of cheerful worshippers .
14 Speaker 12 used Creole syntax and phonology and was judged to be black by the majority of respondents , just as they had judged Speaker 2 ( = 11 ) to be black in her " Creole " guise .
15 Using a marker perfusion technique , however , the uptake of taurocholate and glycocholate was measured in three infants with cystic fibrosis and was noted to be similar to control subjects .
16 He is an extremely nice man and was seen to be a successful and popular president , although his name was linked to allegations that certain transactions were not totally above board .
17 ‘ I ran around 50 miles a week in training and was determined to be in good shape , I could n't remember a thing after 15-miles three years ago , ’ he said .
18 There was curiosity and wonderment at those features of life that went unremarked by the natives but to foreigners were so eccentric , and so quintessentially British , like porridge and kippers for breakfast , ‘ a peculiar liquid which looked like coffee , tasted like poison and was said to be tea ’ , and bottles of HP Sauce and vinegar on the dining table .
19 He had rheumatism and was known to be a bit quick ; tempered and impatient , but even Mother remarked how surprised she was at his skill and patience when it came to doctoring animals .
20 In Yuill v Wilson [ 1979 ] STC 486 ( CA ) ; [ 1980 ] STC 460 ( HL ) , the UK resident taxpayer provided two overseas companies , with which he was connected , with the opportunity of realising a gain and was held to be assessable on the gain .
21 That first walk was open to those living or having businesses within six miles of Bradford , but in 1906 the walk was opened to all amateurs in the country and was considered to be the unofficial championship of England .
22 As it was too large to be put on a lorry to be moved from site to site it had to travel on roads under its own power and was held to be intended to be used on roads .
23 Joshua Nkomo , leader of ZAPU , now dissolved and merged with the ruling party , was reappointed one of three Senior Ministers in the President 's Office and was expected to be made vice-president along with Simon Muzenda under forthcoming legislation providing for the creation of two vice-presidencies with equal rank .
24 If a ganger was working on the track and was found to be over the limit , a director or manager could be found guilty of a criminal offence .
25 Patients who joined the study between 1981 and 1985 tended to have been treated with ursodeoxycholic acid as it had become widely available at that time and was considered to be the oral bile acid treatment of choice for gall stone dissolution .
26 As distinct from a personal tutelary spirit , who watched over an individual brave , the manitou patronised the entire tribe and was thought to be the long-ago founder of that tribe .
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