Example sentences of "[noun sg] and er [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In moving the motion this time I 'm not going to be very passionate like I normally am on on subjects in this council chamber I 'm I 'm actually gon na try and keep , I 'm actually going to try and keep politics down to a low level and er because I believe there conscience on all sides of this chamber .
2 And erm we used to kick this tin down the hill and er as I say it would roll down and we would all go and hide anywhere , back garden , front garden , over a wall , round a corner , anywhere like that you see .
3 Outside the platform and er as I said before , it was like , they only had small trains you know , five coaches was the biggest train they had you know .
4 Australian Aborigines are very direct about this so they , so they do expect something back for the initiation an and it 's a kind of reciprocal thing where okay , you initiate me and I 'll put up with all this crap from you , but you know , you give me a wife , you 've got daughters I want a wife and er if I do n't get it , there 's gon na be real trouble and this is how the system works .
5 I 'm glad I 'm grown-up now actually because er y'know it 's one of my great pleasures in life to wake up in the mornings and think great I 'm grown-up , I do n't have to go to school and er and I do n't have to live with my parents and er things are much better now than they were say sort of y'know twenty years ago or so , er giving away my age there .
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