Example sentences of "[noun sg] and i [was/were] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It 's bad enough at first but then it gets worse even as they keep me because they found more , they found two more and that was while I was here for Christ 's sake while they held me while things were still happening more stuff came in while they were questioning me and they looked at me with disbelief horror disgust and I was going What ?
2 It was winter and I was changing her clothes three times a day and my self-control snapped and I shook her very hard to stop her sitting down without her pants and was so upset by my behaviour and frightened by what I had done that they agreed to put her in a home .
3 At the end of the day Child and I were cursing our luck and Douglas Hamilton was waxing lyrical about the placidity of the beasts , who had allowed him to come within six yards of them .
4 And I thought , well I 'll just pop in chemist and I was hoping it would clear it up , so I would n't
5 ‘ I was out with Annsley one evening and I was giving him some stick about not putting something back into the game , ’ said Armstrong .
6 Although I left the car park wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt with my warmer clothes packed away in the rucksack , the walk was now a serious business and I was wearing everything I had with me .
7 She was packing his stuff and I was bringing him upstairs to his room like away from her like .
8 ‘ They became the rage and I was delivering them all day in the Rolls , ’ said Crawford .
9 But I 'd had no sleep and I was feeling it got worse .
10 ‘ When I got home I called the NRA freephone pollution number and I was told it was too dark and cold for anyone to go down and somebody would be there first thing in the morning .
11 ‘ Lonely This Christmas ’ by Mud was playing of the radio and I was swinging my body from side to side in time to the music in order to pass the time .
12 Anyway our Darren came in , and I 'm gon na forget Darren came to the caravan and I was telling him about these wet sheets and beds and the mirrors done and what I was doing there and Oh he said and about the mattress he said and I said to him mattress , it 's still the same mattress .
13 I , I , I was lucky in the three ground I went too the worst that ever happened to me was I was put head first into a dustbin , but luckily it had been emptied it was still well mucky , but I just fucking went and had a shower , and I come out of the shower and I 'd got pounced upon again and I was there , it must of been a funny site , there 's me right in just a pair of fucking deck chairs that we used to wear for the , the shower block right , fucking shaving , er like the wash kit bag in my right hand and I was holding me fucking towel round , round me waist with me left , I was streaking across the play ground , going as fast as I could
14 In nineteen hundred and twelve the Dutch came and the Oxford Motor Club entertained them and we went all round the High Wycome area , Cophill and that on hill climbs , so we re-enacted it last year and I was riding my nineteen fourteen motorcycle , and I was asked — I was the oldest rider — how old are you ? — I said eighty years old — and what is your biggest difficulty ? — and I said getting my leg over , which I really literally meant because the saddle 's very high and I do have a job getting my leg over the saddle !
15 One day when we were at the hospital , Michael was undressing behind screens preparing for his treatment and I was helping him ; and we heard the radiographer say , ‘ If you hear a lot of laughter coming from behind those screens , Doctor , it 's only the Homes .
16 Had a laugh last night we were laying the carpet and I was laying it , I cut it off see where it is you ca n't fit , ca n't fit it under the doorsteps
17 This guy who lives round the corner had just come out and he 'd started up in business again and he was laying it on me a gram at a time and I was doing it out in bags .
18 And again perhaps to follow up a previous question and the question is this , that in the first draft of the statement of faith which was presented two years ago , there was a very clear statement which said that Christ died for our sin in connection with the cross and I was wondering what the reasoning was which took away that very specific meaning of the death of the Christ into a much more general and ambiguous one in the statement before us today .
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