Example sentences of "[noun sg] and be [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Library Instruction Round Table ( LIRT ) is a unit of the American Library Association and is made up of academic librarians , school librarians , library school personnel , public librarians and special librarians .
2 After taking a series of measurements I put a numbered ring on each bird 's leg so that if one came to grief and was picked up at some time in the future , its identity could be established .
3 The problem is that it only works if your PC has a fax card and is set up as a fax machine .
4 She made her way up to the hotel bedroom and was let in by one of the porters .
5 The Eighth Army had suffered a crushing defeat and was digging in along the Alamein line , only sixty miles to the west of the Nile .
6 The Democratic party winner partied hard through the night in Little Rock after his message of change pulled in voters of all parties who feared the future and were fed up with Bush .
7 ‘ The aircraft turned over the breakwater and was followed out by the same intense gunfire .
8 In the second-round run-off presidential election held on May 8 , 1988 , Rodrigo Borja Cevallos of the centre-left Democratic Left ( Izquierda Democrática — ID ) polled 46 per cent of the vote and was sworn in at the head of a new government on Aug. 10 [ see p. 36343 ] .
9 1455 children entered the Health Study and were followed up for 1185 child-years ( 596 vitamin A group , 589 placebo group ) .
10 Now you can visit the Jorvik Viking Centre , step aboard a time car and be whisked back through the centuries on a journey to real-life Viking Britain .
11 We climbed down to his fishing boat and were pushing off against the stonework .
12 Cheque book journalism is a broader and more complex issue than the confiscation of the proceeds of crime and is bound up with the more general question of media reporting of the criminal justice system .
13 After a while she became more accustomed to the extreme dark and quite enjoyed blowing out the light and being swallowed up by the billowing darkness .
14 These cams are on the underside of the carriage and are put out of work using a transfer tool .
15 ( 3 ) Stephen Small raced away from a defender and was brought down from behind inside the area — an indirect free kick for obstruction instead of a penalty .
16 Although the gliders were left facing at right angles to the wind and were weighted down with tyres in the approved manner , when the first strong thermal went off nearby the wind would become gusty and change direction completely .
17 One of the littlest lads had heaved himself up onto the window-sill and was gazing out in rapture .
18 If the sea is deep right up to the coast the waves may reach the coast and be reflected back without breaking .
19 But one grey-haired uplander disappeared into a hole below a boulder and was pulled out by the hair and carried back towards Keltney on a stretcher of cut branches .
20 Children who have been integrated into mainstream schools can return at any time for help and are called back at six-monthly intervals for checks .
21 Dawn Niblock ( 17 ) , Upper Sixth , wants to study politics with languages : ‘ I have never approached a teacher to ask for help and been passed on to someone else .
22 Orphaned Arthur Bell Nicholl left Killead , as a small boy and was brought up by his uncle , Dr Alan Bell , headmaster of the Royal High School , and aunt .
23 This takes a similar form to the Arch of Peace and is set off by the extended , arcaded arms that drift along the edge of the square .
24 Lincoln went into receivership and was put up for sale on 4 February , 1922 .
25 So far they have received nothing from the Government , little EC assistance and are running out of funds donated by individuals and industry .
26 When Apricot was three weeks away from the examinations which were , in theory , to get herself , Belinda and Brenda out of school , away from home and into a preferable social and intellectual environment-Liese was happy enough to fail hers , and be allowed to stay cosily at home and be married off to someone suitable — there was an unusual uproar in Mafeking Street .
27 ‘ I simply told them that you were my wife and that you had taken all our money and our little girl and were running off to London to be with your lover . ’
28 ‘ Salt Peter ’ got a direct hit and was put out of action .
29 Here we went to the British Airways Executive Aircraft desk and were taken out to the Moët et Chandon Executive Jet , which was waiting to fly us to Edinburgh .
30 ‘ It is my view that many companies have weathered the recession and are coming out of it , but unfortunately there will still be casualties .
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