Example sentences of "[noun sg] and do [art] [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I cut through it on each side and did the same to the binding on his ankles .
2 If you have to share , clean the used equipment immediately it was last used , separate the needle , barrel and plunger and clean them in hot tap water and washing up liquid , remove all traces of blood , rinse the works thoroughly with clean water and do the same with any spoons etc .
3 Examples would be : where the act is not seen , as when the victim is asleep ; where the victim believes that the gun was unloaded ( Lamb [ 1967 ] 2 QB 981 ) ; where the victim knows by the accused 's words that the threat will not take place ( Tuberville v Savage ( 1669 ) 86 ER 684 ; or where the accused could not put his threat into effect : the usual illustrations are shaking a fist while on a non-stop train at a person standing on the platform and doing the same to a person standing on the opposite bank of a fast-flowing and wide river where there is no bridge .
4 Adam packed his few belongings , then went next door and did the same for Billie .
5 He then left the first stetch and did the same with the next .
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