Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [ex0] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 something to be dropped on from a great height as frequently as possible er particularly if it 's the G L C. In the United States , however much the federal government is irritated by the state government , it can not attack its constitutional powers nor can it undermine its financial base so that 's a different relationship , it 's a relationship based , not on dominance , but on partnership and there has to be an understanding , a trade off between federal and er a and state government .
2 Continuity and progression have to be built in to the programme and there has to be scope for differentiation and extension .
3 There has to be good coal pillar support on either side and there has to be a competent roof .
4 The soldiers bent over to form the arches but they were no good as they kept moving all over the place and there seemed to be no rules or sense of order to the game .
5 Most of the world is running MS-DOS and there seems to be no provision for 32-bit NT applications or OS/2 software for that matter .
6 Of course the ‘ genre ’ was somewhat doctored now : the forces of law and order had to be given a more positive and heroic role and there had to be far less suggestion of anarchy .
7 You can not make lace on your first row and there has to be at least one stitch between each hole .
8 This is especially evident when there is more than one sergeant and there happens to be a clash of personality and leadership style between them , although senior managers within the station are sensitive to this sort of problem and switch sergeants about when it occurs .
9 She always felt sorry for the children at the Ragged School and there seemed to be hundreds and hundreds of them .
10 The first one is called geometrical isomerism in some books not that you ever read , will read any chemistry books but just in case you stumble over one day and fall flat on your face and there happens to be a chemistry text book open and you ha , just happen to read one or two of the words as you go unconscious and in Matthew 's case if you wake up !
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