Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [adj] [noun sg] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 On May 8 Sami Abdul-Rahman , a member of the delegation [ see p. 38127 ] , said that " the talks [ were ] going on in a positive spirit " , although questions relating to international guarantees for an accord and Kurdish control over the oil-producing town of Kirkuk remained unresolved .
2 The Paris museum was a centre of both research and passionate debate over the principles upon which the new science should be built .
3 She has not only suffered the anguish of over a quarter of a century of separation from her husband , but has also experienced unending persecution at the hands of the regime , such as banishment , Imprisonment , torture and sustained harassment over a period of more than two decades .
4 Usually the syndrome is associated with frequent coughing and slight tachypnoea over a period of a few days ; less frequently there is marked tachypnoea , hyperpnoea and in dairy cows a reduction in milk yield .
5 If your fabric is very stiff , make one 4 cm turning and zig-zag stitch over the raw edge or glue in place .
6 Politically the 1950s saw a Cold War between the superpowers — each battling for supremacy in the world economic markets ; each striving to gain the upper hand in military might and ideological influence over the developing countries .
7 Llewelyn was close in his chamber with his chaplain-secretary and Ednyfed Fychan over the dictation of letters , and his seal was already on the credentials of the envoys who were to represent him in Shrewsbury ; but David , when he heard what the messenger had to report , on his own authority brought him in to the conference and shattered it .
8 By looking at the links between sea level rise and volcanic activity over the last million years , he hopes to be able to predict whether our heating of the atmosphere today could earn us a fierce and violent reprimand from the planet in years to come .
9 Fortunately , as well as complaints , we have received plenty of praise and awards for our distinctive photography and excellent writing over the past five years .
10 Billy Ray is the culmination of the Garth Brooks trend , the triumph of marketing and conservative panty-waist over the music .
11 Finally there are federal judges , who have a general and overriding authority over the other levels of jurisdiction .
12 Riddle was having to bend low to allow the chain to be passed over his head and he presented his profile to the camera at a grotesque angle which seemed to accentuate a protruding jaw , long nose and bony ridge over the eyes .
13 This study attempts to identify the changes that have occurred in South Wales business and industrial structure over the past 20 years , and to determine the effects of these changes on demand for industrial materials handling equipment .
14 Three hundred and sixty six serum samples were obtained from 274 unrelated patients attending the departments of Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine over a nine month period .
15 Claiming that a coup was being planned even before he introduced economic austerity policies on taking office three years previously , Pérez told foreign correspondents on Feb. 9 that he intended to continue with his economic policies but would bring forward a $4,000 million social project to improve health care , education and social welfare over the next four years .
16 Fears of recession which heightened the perception of silver as an industrial metal and heavy over-supply over an extended period , caused prices to plummet to below $4.00 a troy ounce in mid-December for the first time in fifteen years .
17 The narrator identifies a larger issue behind this slight : it is the conflict between two kinds of Jewishness , between the embattled , coarse-grained immigrant from Europe and the wordly , go-ahead American , who rates business acumen and individual assertion over the value of community ties .
18 Executed in brush and brown ink over a charcoal underdrawing , the drawing may well date from the artist 's second trip to Italy in 1773–74 .
19 Any attempt to reduce inflation permanently would require a deep cut in government spending and tight control over the money supply .
20 But while the telephone itself remains little more than an instrument for reproducing speech and other sounds at a distance , over the last decade we have seen dramatic growth in the availability and use of computers , modems and fax to transmit documentary and computerised information over the telephone network .
21 As a formalism ATNs give extensive possibilities for optimisation and tight control over the precise details of the parsing strategy .
22 ‘ Big-band ’ Mozart ; smooth , rich , warm , mellow and played with love and fastidious concern over the tiniest detail .
23 the nature of the caring relationship is likely to be based on love and mutual support over a long period of time .
24 A good example right now is the increasing numbers of fax-based publishing operations which are linked with audiotex services , bringing together voice and printed information over the same telephone line .
25 Recall from Chapter 19 that this is a long-run measure of income which can be thought of as the present value of the expected flow of income from the stock of human and non-human wealth over a long period of time .
26 This project aims to map the movements of individuals between employment , unemployment and economic inactivity over the decade 1979-1989 , to identify significant trends , and to relate them to wider economic factors and policy developments .
27 A series of different posters , which strongly illustrated the plight of women in potential danger , regardless of age or social class , created enormous press and public interest over the months of the campaign .
28 The IPCC is preparing a range of projections on emissions of carbon dioxide and global warming over the next 100 years on the basis of estimates of worldwide economic growth , energy use and technological change .
29 THE prospect of a Tory backbench challenge to the Prime Minister and extreme twitchiness over the release today of the October trade figures left the pound sagging on foreign exchanges once again yesterday .
30 Palestine disappeared from the map and Arab nationalism over the next twenty years emphasized the recovery of Palestine as the foremost duty of every Arab state .
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