Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [unc] [adv] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 No you could n't I mean er at you know the the doors would n't be open be I mean you know , you could picture a wardrobe without a door , but you were working you were sandpapering that on the inside and er maybe brushing it up and down and then sandpapering that again and then they had to go over with what we call the rubber .
2 Up my elbow and er anyway put it used to take it back to the shop and er well I was still inside the shop , down to a certain place in the shop and put it on a on a stand and then there 'd be a on that stand , beside the bucket , was a a box of not Lux not Lux soap but er yellow soap .
3 Er that was silly er I did n't allow myself sufficient time to prepare for this opening and ob obviously to compose myself .
4 Be before we start can I make two quick announcements , one er I made at the last lecture , that is there is a public lecture given by Baroness at five fifteen today on the subject of the Soviet Union and wh where does it go , erm and that 's in .
5 with a ruler and jus just pull them .
6 just get the plate and er like stick it over with a bit of er filler or something like that and stick it over the top !
7 And she died of a cancer and er so did me father , and probably so shall I , but if a cancer do n't kill me summat else will .
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