Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [pron] 're not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If you 're not a member of the club and you 're not accepted the rituals and people do n't like you , they wo n't tell you and as a result you wo n't be an effective hunter , you wo n't be able to support many wives even if you wanted them and if you have wives what they needed , because if a man does n't feed his wives they , they , they all eventually get up and go , they 'll say two fingers you know , you ca n't feed us .
2 Imagine you 're at home and you 're not going back to that madhouse .
3 I 've only got my T-shirt and you 're not having that .
4 I wish the rest of the country couldfollow our lead but they need government support and they 're not getting it
5 ‘ Well I do n't like blacks and I do believe in hanging and you 're not promising me anything with either , are you ? ’
6 I 'm just a bit disappointed that th there really is a lot of money 's worth of Lego and you 're not playing with it .
7 a bit more daylight so that you can go it more , in the morning and you 're not dashing back you can have a full day
8 Erm , just to go back a wee bit to the thing about th the image and and the fight that we have on our hands er , to actually break into the media , I do n't , I think people underestimate the control an and er the feeling that men have that it 's their game and we 're not gon na take it away from them !
9 She 's gon na turn round and say you ca n't complain about my work rate and we 're not complaining about her work rate .
10 ‘ It varies according to the individual , but as long as you show you 've got some common sense and you 're not going to go blabbing information , you soon settle in . ’
11 It 's hard for people like us because I think playing music is a legitimate goal in life and you 're not made to feel legitimate , you 're made to feel opportunist . ’
12 I know he 's not exactly God 's gift to forensic science , but he 's a conscientious plodder and you 're not going to stimulate either his brain or his speed by bullying the poor little beast .
13 And , okay , unable to perform any part of her normal occupation and they 're not doing anything else , for which they 're paid , not following any other gainful occupation okay , so definition is , unable to perform any part of their normal occupation , and they 're not following any other gainful employment .
14 Even though it 's a brand new house and they 're not gon na pull it down tomorrow to build a bloody factory on top of it .
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