Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] [adj] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Lose weight and look great in a swimsuit !
2 This fact reminds me of a tale I was told in the States recently whereby President Clinton and his wife Hilary and Major Kay drove into a garage , quite why this was necessary the tale does not relate , as the petrol or gas attendant began to fill up the limousine , Hilary Clinton leaped out of the car and became involved in an animated conversation with the petrol attendant .
3 Yeah , and one got stuck in the , there was an entry between my father-in-law 's shop and the next one and one of these cattle ran down the entry and got stuck in the entry , you know it was only narrow and the they had to shoot it , but er oh yes it was a , that was a thing you never hear of today and you never hear of people putting tannin down when people are ill do you ?
4 Eventually it may be so long that it reaches the other side of the gap and becomes entangled in a leaf or a twig .
5 But there is no reason why we should not tell stories of English boys who leave the village and make good in the city — why rural drama should not be found and filmed among the mountains of Wales and moors of Yorkshire .
6 Consequently he defies the law and becomes involved in a township literacy programme .
7 Israeli soldiers killed a guerrilla and wounded another in a clash .
8 I sat back against a pine-stem and became lost in the pamphlet .
9 He was seized by the mob and burned alive in a wooden box on the village green .
10 That night he boarded a small ship flying a Finnish flag and fell asleep in the deserted wheelhouse .
11 He was born in Lubbock , married a nice Spanish girl and died young in a ‘ plane crash in 1959 .
12 ‘ We certainly wo n't be changing our style of play and getting involved in a forward battle . ’
13 When protection turned to annexation Russia faced Georgian resistance and became involved in a long if relatively untaxing war with Persia ( 1804–13 ) .
14 They choke and gag and get red in the face .
15 Even more ‘ intrigued ’ was Mr Ryan of Bolton , who quipped , ‘ I have golf caddying experience and look good in a bowler hat . ’
16 Also praise your child for acceptable behaviour and record this in the book on a separate page ( such as ‘ helped carry shopping ’ ) .
17 In 1950 , he was Swiss sculls champion and finished third in the European championships before moving to Manila to work for his family 's private multinational company , Eduard Keller Ltd , for four years .
18 I 'd rather run against the world champion and finish sixth in a good race in Aberdeen than win by 50 metres and not be pushed at Middlesbrough . ’
19 Such a ‘ multi-factor ’ approach1 ( Lydall , 1968 ) brings inequality policy back into play by recognizing that the unequal and the poor have not simply chosen their lot , but it does retain the emphasis on education and training dominant in the human capital approach .
20 At home we switch on the video and fall asleep in the chair almost before Mavis has opened up shop .
21 All these are very much in the comic-book idiom that dominates the film throughout — including the dialogue — but they require a degree of realism and detail unnecessary in the freer graphic comic medium .
22 MPs are partisan public figures who court publicity and get involved in a wide range of issues .
23 An art shop in the city of London sold four cotton based portfolios in the first week and doubled this in the second .
24 I , you know I do n't mind , I enjoy handicraft but I find I 'm out Monday playing darts , I 'm out Tuesday doing handicraft and I look after a little boy who 's got Cerebral Palsy four mornings a week and comes three in the afternoon and it 's quite a lot .
25 It is interesting to note that Ludus ' then manager , Richard Boon ( former Buzzcocks manager and ‘ New Hormones ’ supremo ) was later to move to Rough Trade and become instrumental in the signing of The Smiths .
26 He thumbs through it , glances at the summary and goes red in the face .
27 Ironically it was Distillery who settled into the game and looked dangerous in a brief spell midway through the first half but in the space of two minutes Stephen Baxter 's shot was touched away by Kevin McKeown and midfielder Philip Mitchell 's header landed on the roof of the net .
28 After that , I 'd take a shower , we 'd have a meal sent up , get a good night 's sleep and start fresh in the morning .
29 I put it with other money I had and part exchanged my irons for a full set of top quality blades which had been in a sale after that my game improved immensely I got my handicap by putting in three cards two terrible scores of 86 and the good card which was 72 my handicap was then 15 I played in a junior competition and came third in the lower handicap section a week later and played in a medal and came down to a handicap of 14 .
30 The normal price for any given daily supply of fish , which we are now seeking , is the price which will quickly call into the fishing trade capital and labour enough to obtain that supply in a day 's fishing of average good fortune ; the influence which the price of fish will have upon capital and labour available in the fishing trade being governed by rather narrow causes such as these .
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