Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 That wo n't give anything away , ’ cajoled Deana , and it was at that moment that an open-topped , low-slung dark red sports car purred to an impatient halt directly in front of the foyer 's big glass doors and the unmistakable silhouette of Tom Russell sprang with athletic grace from behind the wheel and began to stride across the cement footpath towards the entrance .
2 The secretary of the new NILP branch was Ivan Cooper , who had come to public attention the previous year when he resigned from the Bond 's Glen and Claudy Young Unionist Association and had stood as an Independent candidate for the Londonderry Rural District Council .
3 In other words , pre-exposure to the stimulus may both retard the acquisition of the CS-US association and act to interfere with the retrieval of the information embodied in this association when it comes to a test trial .
4 IAN WRIGHT was last night charged with misconduct by the Football Association and ordered to appear before a disciplinary commission in the New Year .
5 Yet being able to step off the treadmill and stop judging yourself for a while is the only way to begin to take stock and to start to unwind from the stress spiral .
6 Mr Paul Newman , 36 , was beaten around the head with the hammer and left to die in a country lane in Eggington , near Leighton Buzzard , Beds , having gone there to discuss pension plans with a ‘ prospective client ’ .
7 When he saw Duclos striding back across the compound dragging a young Annamese boy behind him , he smiled quietly to himself , stepped back into his bedroom and began fumbling with the buttons of his silk shirt .
8 Space , however , was limited and Malc and I and the kids had to share one bedroom and keep praying for a council house of our own .
9 I want continuous ventilation in a bedroom and have decided on a trickle ventilator .
10 They returned home immediately and David sent into his bedroom and emerged dressed as a man .
11 The child passengers gripped the broom while their arms pumped round in a rhythm , as their imaginary train gathered speed and went racing over the land .
12 ‘ I voted for Al Gore for Vice President and had to vote for the other fellow to get his ( Gore 's ) name , ’ Mr Clinton told a neighbour as reporters listened in .
13 The first Russian to mount the wall fell at once to a bullet from one of Thiercelin 's men , but now a slavonic deluge swamped the wall in a wave of green and grey , bayonets fixed , overran the Frenchmen on the terrace and began smashing at the door .
14 After ten paces , they seem to lose their nerve and start running down the street .
15 The applicant was however satisfied with the result and felt vindicated by the fact that the breach of rule had been acknowledged .
16 The President had seen the polls forecasting heavy defeat and had decided on a high-profile last-ditch effort to free the Iranian hostages .
17 Lucas has steamed ahead with its investment programme and continues to prepare for a running start to recovery .
18 The European Commission , which is responsible for formulating the proposal in line with the views of the council of ministers , was criticized for the repeated delays in the adoption of the third Framework programme and hopes to stick to the intricate timetable for approval of the new programme , which must be accepted at three levels .
19 Perhaps WordStar will see fit to implement a drag and drop edit in the next release — please ? ! ?
20 She pushed her inner chaos to the back of her mind and tried to concentrate on the coming day .
21 I have the greatest sympathy for hon. and learned Member for Leicester , West ( Mr. Janner ) , but there is a principle involved and it is about time that my right hon. and learned Friend stopped speaking as a lawyer and started acting as a politician .
22 Once he jumped from a roof and managed to land on the soft top of a passing van .
23 And because she wanted to know more , she wanted to find out all there was to find out about this dark , ancient stronghold that her ancestors had known , at times she stole out from her bedchamber after nightfall and stood listening to the night rustlings and the soft settling of the old , old timbers ( and the footsteps ? did n't she still hear the footsteps every night ? ) and thought that if only she knew the right words , or if only she had the power , she could summon the enchantments and lay bare the secrets and understand this place .
24 Penry Vaughan ducked his tall head through the doorway and moved to stand at the foot of the bed in the shadows beyond the arc of light from the small lamp .
25 He also thought of Dame Agatha 's smiling face before drifting into a dreamless sleep , leaving Ranulf and Maltote to argue over the fortunes of dice .
26 The unit accepted it was its fault and has apologised for the delay , ’ he said .
27 Cricket committee chairman Close did n't even get a vote and threatened to quit as the county plunged towards a new civil war .
28 He was in fact an employee rather than an independent agent and had worked for the defendants for 17 years .
29 A complete insight into how Northampton 's local evening newspaper is produced and the chance to see the Chronicle and Echo rolling off the presses .
30 Homoeopathy has therefore become a postgraduate study and has to rely for the recruitment of its practitioners on those members of the medical , dental , veterinary and pharmaceutical professions who are open-minded enough to try new approaches .
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