Example sentences of "[noun sg] of a [noun sg] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The remote view reveals the degree of isolation of a cluster in the vastness of space ; like a fly on a blank wall .
2 But , thanks to the kindness of a lady in the petrol depot who agreed to phone our host when a delivery was about to be made and where , we eventually refuelled at about 9.00 am on Thursday we set out on the last leg of our journey .
3 This emphasis , repeated by UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on Oct. 23 following a meeting in London with the Amir of Kuwait , was seen as an attempt to counteract the perception of a softening in the Saudi attitude [ see below ] .
4 For the purposes of mens rea or the mental state of the accused , where his awareness is impaired by intoxicants he shall be taken to be aware of that which he would have been aware if not intoxicated , unless he shows either that his intoxication was not self-induced or that it was caused solely by the taking or administration of a substance in the course of medical treatment ( Section 6(5) ) .
5 In 1897 he used the chronograph to measure the speed of a vehicle in an Oxford street , and presented the results in court .
6 Such was the opposition to the plan for closure of a school in the Bro Dysynni area of South Meirionydd , put forward by an education authority panel , that one senior councillor , Dr William George , described the vote in the county council chamber as the ‘ most sweeping ’ he had ever come across .
7 There were sounds of swallowing and the rattle of a cup in a saucer .
8 The fine church of St Wilfrid dates back to the 12th century , although there is mention of a church in the Domesday Book .
9 Dealers thus learned to regard every mention of a share in the newspapers as a tip .
10 A common fault into which candidates fall is to assume that the mention of a topic in the question is an indication that the examiner wants to know everything about that and related subjects .
11 It comes as a result of a change in the current school user education thinking — at least in the UK .
12 There is nothing within that model to imply a change in the response of consumption to as a result of a change in the Y t process : expectations in this model are not being formed in accordance with the process driving Y t , so a change in that process does not imply any change in the expectations forming process .
13 The delay since February was as a result of a change in the way Harlow Council administered grant aid .
14 They are the result of a survey in the wake of statistics which revealed that a quarter of a billion pounds goes up in smoke each year as part of Belfast 's annual energy bill .
15 Second , it is sometimes said that the pure vertical effects of integration are always positive in a welfare sense — they only become negative because of associated horizontal effects , for example as a result of a reduction in the number of downstream firms .
16 Greenhouse gases are the direct result of pollution , and the indirect result of a reduction in the atmosphere 's ability to absorb them .
17 More interestingly , the report hears that SuperSparc 's clock-rate problems ‘ are more a result of a goof in the design of the cache than of an overly complex superscalar design . ’
18 Notice that holding the intermediate result of a calculation in the accumulator not only shortens the instruction length , but also increases the instruction execution speed , since the access time to a processor register is shorter than to a store location .
19 As a result of a referendum in the Saar in October 1955 , when 96 per cent of the electorate voted against Europeanisation in any shape or form and for incorporation with West Germany , France bowed to the inevitable .
20 These figures showed a decline during the next three years ( the result of a decline in the price of stocks and shares ) and little change thereafter .
21 The alteration is the result of a recommendation in the White Paper , Crime , Justice and Protecting the Public , Cm 965 , 1990 , para. 3.14 .
22 Governments rarely fall as a result of a vote in the House of Commons and resignations under ministerial responsibility are almost as rare .
23 The most serious breach occurred in the spring and summer of 1941 as a result of a crisis in the Middle East .
24 ‘ It was the result of a breakdown in a relationship which caused both parties a lot of hurt and pain . ’
25 However , it must be stressed that illegal access to the LIFESPAN work space is only ever possible as a result of a failure in the general security procedures on the computer concerned .
26 The sight of judges and magistrates going on strike and scuffling with police outside the Palace of Justice and the recent murder of a policewoman in a riot ( June 1991 ) , as well as the regular disruption of life by numerous strikes , especially in public services , indicate that there is something seriously wrong .
27 Two brothers have been arrested in the Irish Republic in connection with the murder of a woman in a boarding house .
28 When , as tutor to the heir to the throne , Chicherin saw a good deal of the royal family in 1864 , the tsar put him in mind of a major in the army .
29 Possessed by devils put him in mind of a case in the north of England : a man had become worse than ever apparently after clergymen of two denominations had attempted an exorcism ceremony .
30 Emission standards come in a variety of forms , such as the maximum concentration of a substance in a given volume of gaseous effluent or the maximum opacity of a smoke plume .
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