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1 Three major divisions can be recognized ( Fig. 3.11 ) ( 1 ) the Southern ( Patagonian ) Andes , extending from Tierra del Fuego northwards to the Gulf of Penas at latitude 47°S where the actively spreading Chile Ridge extends westwards into the Pacific ; ( 2 ) the Central ( Chilean-Peruvian ) Andes reaching from the Gulf of Penas northwards to the Amotape cross structure at the Peru-Ecuador border where the northwestern trend of the mountain belt changes to a northeasterly orientation ; and ( 3 ) the northern ( Colombian-Venezuelan ) Andes , extending from the Amotape cross structure northwards and then eastwards to eventually link with the Caribbean Arc .
2 The long , low island of Lismore away to the east was Campbell ground , and the great fortress of Dunstaffnage out of sight beyond it on the mainland .
3 The papers say there has been shooting in the centre of Tripoli far to the north .
4 He was satisfied to leave the government of Sicily largely to the chancellor , Gauthier de Paléar , bishop of Troja , who stood for Sicilian rights and was anti-German .
5 Hitler , approached by Franco on 22 July through two Nazi businessmen operating in Morocco , was from the outset more positive ; identifying the rebels ' chief short-term problem — their lack of the means to ferry the Army of Africa across to the Spanish mainland — he authorized the sending to Morocco of thirty Junker JU-52 transport planes .
6 From the northern tip of Spain across to the Western edge of Italy , this magical coast boasts mile upon mile of golden sand lapped by clear warm seas .
7 On the night of May 5-6 the village of Voskepar , in the north-east corner of Armenia close to the border with Azerbaijan , was razed by Azerbaijani and Soviet troops .
8 The sun was shining , the water a deep indigo-blue and the air so crystal clear that it seemed as though I could stretch out my hand and touch the gleaming white of Sarmiento far to the south-east in Tierra del Fuego .
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