Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [v-ing] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Higher Labour Court decided that having extramarital affairs with married women was not a violation of the contract of employment that would justify a dismissal , as this would have the effect of punishing someone for interfering in marital relations , which the German Code of Civil Procedure would not permit .
2 Some estimates suggest that CFCs direct contribution to the greenhouse effect might be more or less offset by their indirect effect of countering it by depleting ozone .
3 For example , pupils with reading problems ( including dyslexic pupils ) should not be deprived of literature , but should have the opportunity of experiencing it through listening to others reading aloud , whether live or recorded , and through seeing plays and films , as well as through reading suitably simplified versions .
4 When you are working with documents which display these difficulties , make a point of clarifying them by rewriting the passage in your own words .
5 When sending employees abroad to work , employers must consider : the selection of employees for the job ; the importance of briefing them before going ; and the contents of the compensation and benefits package .
6 The list shows how easy it was at the time ( 1860 ) to raise money for a line intended to run from Craven Arms to Montgomery , and what a number of persons , sufficiently well-disposed to the district to advance such large sums would be deprived of all chance of recouping themselves by completing the line , if the policy of closing it was adopted .
7 A clip round the ear has more chance of preventing him from doing something a second time than bringing all these other agencies in .
8 The shocked priority of examining herself after escaping , literally , from the jaws of death , wore off .
9 She felt that the ‘ on — off ’ nature of their relationship — when he was here today but not tomorrow , or even the next day — was all part of Nicky 's habit of taking her for granted .
10 He is intrinsically proud : this reveals itself through his habit of defining himself by telling you his achievements .
11 Luckily for the future of the SAS , Stirling himself escaped with a damaged wrist — which had the virtue of stopping him from driving for while .
12 Although slight changes have been made to covenant administration , the principle of committing yourself to giving , for four or more years , remains the same .
13 Encouraging us to exist on the brink of starvation is one way of stopping us from getting too liberated .
14 In at least two areas of the city , voters were misdirected by official polling cards to the wrong polling stations — a clever way of discouraging them from voting without actually disenfranchising them — and when the final count was made , 1,000 votes were added to the Tory candidate 's total .
15 So , in fact you 're not going to do anything to them much in the way of discouraging them from removing their forest , by stopping them exporting small amounts of .
16 There seemed no way of refusing him without causing him hurt .
17 And this is a way of doing it without having to , you know , log-in to er a specific tradition , but to invoke , sort of a wider , more general principles .
18 I decide to leave it ; perhaps the safest way of retrieving it without snagging is with a fish on the end .
19 Apart from making sure that permanent mains-voltage lights are installed by a competent electrician , the main way of protecting yourself against getting an electric shock from garden lights is to install an RCD .
20 I suppose that 's your way of punishing me for kissing you yesterday evening .
21 This , then , is the first stage of reacting to loss : denial — shock that something bad has happened — is our psyche 's way of defending us from experiencing too great a sense of harm too quickly .
22 There was no way of preventing anyone from walking in if a room were empty .
23 There is also the consideration that she seems to be flirting with the possibility of committing herself to re-entering mainstream education locally .
24 That means an educated working class , understanding the needs of socialism or communism and setting about the task of achieving it by getting rid of capitalism and introducing socialism , or communism .
25 This is one of the earliest references we have in Milton to his own dedication to the task of preparing himself for leaving something to aftertimes that it would not willingly let die .
26 Or : because she is torn between the possibility of embracing his scheme with a lover 's abandon , and the more conventional , and differently ( maliciously ) pleasurable option of destroying him by laughing , finally , after much foreplay , in his foolish supplicant face .
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