Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [pron] it be [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Though our modern technology and civilization is based largely upon our ability to harness the electron , conventional physics still has no real perception of what it is we have got our hands on .
2 For what it is worth , ma'am , I would recommend an equal division of whatever it is you have to leave . ’
3 What he said was you do n't get paid until the erm the actual sort of whatever it is he 's sold has been installed .
4 that of body of whatever it was who where there have left .
5 And tha that is one thing I 'm , I mean I 'm not I 'm not the best driver in the world , but that is one thing I do try not to do cos as you say no matter what the circumstances are , if I go up the back of somebody it is my fault .
6 Tidy up something which he 'd overlooked ; wipe the mallet clean ; clear up the evidence of whatever it was he was doing here last night ; replace the keys on the body ?
7 I have admired her greatly as someone who has an absolutely clear sense of what it is she is trying to achieve .
8 I apologise for the length of this letter but I do believe that it is essential that you have a clear understanding of what it is we are to do .
9 If you put that depth of knowledge with the normal Wedding Present , you can see the talent , musicianship and understanding of what it is they are doing , ’ he says .
10 ‘ I say them two or three times and it became more obvious each time I say them that they had a real understanding of what it was they were trying to do musically .
11 Only you can look for associations , explanations and seek amplification of what it was your unconscious mind was trying to communicate to you while you slept — and dreamed .
12 Well the tower is er I 'm not quite sure about the exact height of it it 's I think it 's a hundred and over a hundred and fifty feet high er the to the top of the dome I think it 's a hundred and fifty three feet high to the top of the dome .
13 The more History attempts to transcend its own rootedness in historicity , and the greater the efforts it makes to attain , beyond the historical relativity of its origin and its choices , the sphere of universality , the more clearly it bears the marks of its historical birth , and the more evidently there appears through it the history of which it is itself a part … inversely , the more it accepts its relativity , and the more deeply it sinks into the movement it shares with what it is recounting , then the more it tends to the slenderness of the narrative , and all the positive content it obtained for itself through the human sciences is dissipated .
14 First we need a proper idea of what it is we are seeking to explain .
15 ‘ And have you got any idea of what it is you do to me , Maria ?
16 The implications of this change in tone emerged explicitly in Grenville 's setting aside of ‘ the effusions of a blind and generous passion ’ in favour of ‘ cool judgement ’ since the issue involved ‘ a large portion of the interests of the British empire of which it is your Lordships ’ duty , as an House of parliament , to take care ’ .
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