Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [pron] it [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You have no idea , no conception of what it 's like here in Mayo .
2 Until you have known it you will have no conception of what it is to be truly lonely .
3 We have no mental conception of what it is like to perceive the world through antennae .
4 That it does so , so profoundly , is a vital part of what it is for .
5 Justification by faith , similarly , is important only because it goes to the heart of what it is to be a follower of Christ .
6 Lévi-Strauss ' point here , however , is simply the objection that Sartre defines ‘ man ’ in advance , predetermined by the particular experience of what it is to be a man in twentieth-century post-war French society .
7 Fury at the behaviour of the other , or at what the other symbolizes , can be a desperate attempt to get physically and emotionally closer by sharing the experience of what it is like to be battered .
8 We all have too much experience of what it is like for council tenants trying to exercise their supposed freedom for us to lie easily with the Government 's assurances on that matter .
9 It is suggested that this captures the core of what it is for conduct to be insulting .
10 Larkin 's poem complains in concert ; it takes up the question of what it is to be sexually debarred .
11 Throughout his work he circled endlessly around the question of what it is to be a Christian , to have faith , to encounter God .
12 It is right that water should be improved locally on the basis of what it is to be used for …
13 This is not the basis of the Catholic position which is instead concerned with the nature of what it is to be a priest .
14 Whatever the truth of who it is on the tape , this chap could easily have monitored the whole conversation over 23 minutes . ’
15 It was during this time , moving from one company to another , that Haslam learned the true meaning of what it is to be an adaptable manager .
16 You can get similar value from Isabelle Allende 's Of Love and Shadows which gives a vivid picture of what it is like to be on the wrong end of the dictatorial boot in Chile .
17 That is no more what it is like to be a bat than the following is a good picture of what it is like to see colour : use an instrument to measure the wavelength of the light that is entering your eye : if it is long , you are seeing red , if it is short you are seeing violet or blue .
18 It was a Labour MP who painted the most graphic picture of what it is like to be out of work in Britain .
19 Ivan Klima could be called a lyric author , and the notion of what it is to be such an author is examined in My First Loves , whose gentle and deliberate stories read as if they have been grown and stored before being made public .
20 A Penn photographer , he says , ‘ has an immediacy , an impact , and communicates a clear sign of what it is about
21 In the twilight groves and dusty caves there is no sign of what it is to be alive : nothing of love , valour or artistry .
22 I remarked above that von Uexkull 's pictures fail to express the phenomenological quality of what it is like to be a sea-urchin , fly , or dog — or , one might add , a bat ( Nagel 1974 ) .
23 A Penn photograph , he says , ‘ has an immediacy , an impact , and communicates a clear signal of what it is about … = He sees things one way and gambles all on this obsessive , incisive vision . ’
24 Nor is sharing or giving help a route to dominance ; it is merely what is expected , part of the minimal definition of what it is to be a member of a Semai community ( see Robarchek 1986a ; see Dentan 1968 : 134 for a discussion of implications of the distinction between reciprocity and sharing ) .
25 What needs to be emphasised , though , is that direct experience — becoming part of a way of life that includes the alien in a wider definition of what it is to be human — seems to be almost the only way of achieving demystification .
26 This widening definition of what it is to be human , couched in sociologically aware terms , runs throughout the responses , and is further expressed in attitudes to amniocentesis and abortion in subsequent pregnancies .
27 No longer a matter of distribution across a norm , of statistics and probability , ‘ normality ’ itself is simply a common-sense , inclusive definition of what it is to be human , with wider boundaries redefined from experience .
28 Being ‘ sinful ’ and ‘ just ’ is not the equivalent of having your cake and eating it , but an existential awareness of what it is to be a human being in a sinful and fallen world .
29 Levi 's double life as chemist and writer suggests that if art and work need to be separated , according to a certain sense of what it is to be a Jew , art and work are nevertheless very often the same .
30 In this search for a new spiritual awareness , they — like us — were finding new possibilities to achieve a revived sense of what it is to be truly human in the transformational experience .
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