Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] [that] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 The infusion of desire that rushed her was so immense that she obeyed instantly , drawing her legs up to his hips .
2 It was the wickedness of men that removed her from our care .
3 ‘ Demented I tellee , ’ Sally Dade said , revelling in this juicy bit of news that brought her so much attention .
4 Zitney fixed her with the kind of look that made her feel electric all over .
5 He held the door open and as she passed through he said something under his breath and touched her very lightly on the shoulder — a caressing kind of touch that caused her to give an involuntary shiver .
6 Ender , 33 , is unlikely now to produce the kind of speed that helped her break no fewer than 27 world records during her distinguished career .
7 He gave her a look of contempt that made her want to hit him .
8 Then , basking in the look of adoration that rewarded her , she added teasingly , ‘ Does this mean that I 'm now a fully paid up member of Hunter 's Harem ? ’
9 Depression now wrapped itself about her , making concentration difficult , while the thought of Silas holding Doreen in his arms brought a sudden flare of honesty that caused her to admit she was jealous .
10 Obviously , she was disturbing him , but she refused to acknowledge the twinge of guilt that prodded her .
11 But if they were to examine that bullet hole and find it was caused by the same sort of gun that killed her … ’
12 She felt sick , but was relieved to feel something : the weight of the food in her stomach did something to counteract the sense of unreality that afflicted her .
13 Claudia wished she could stop shaking ; the touch of his hard body against hers had started up a whirlpool of emotion that left her wanting to run until she had put miles between them .
14 She shook her head , trying to clear the hot rush of blood that made her feel strangely dizzy .
15 She extended her senses outwards , seeking the spiralling cone of power that contained her .
16 He had a superior air of self-confidence that reminded her of portraits of eighteenth-century land owners striding their acres surrounded by dogs .
17 Theda thought she had learned to subdue the spirit of rebellion that threw her into defiance on the receipt of such slights .
18 It was probably Charlotte 's frown of puzzlement that prompted her to add : ‘ Emerson 's wife . ’
19 Would Sue ( she hardly knew her , after all , had only met her a few minutes ago ) really let her share the little bubble of love that sealed her and Pete up together and away from the rest of the world ?
20 The result is a set of pictures that expose her as a fabulous vamp with more definition than Wolf and more powerful pectorals than Panther .
21 The American Mary Vorse published her remarkable Autobiography of an Elderly Woman in 1911 , which reflects at length on the reversal of roles that left her ‘ contriving to get my own way , for all the world like a naughty , elderly child , while my daughter was worrying about my headstrong ways as if she was my mother instead of my being hers . ’
22 And as she pushed open the west door Miss Danziger was met by the scent of fennel , the six-foot stems of which towered over her from a huge stoneware pot , very different from the musty scent of piety that greeted her in English country churches .
23 Yet nothing , it seemed , could halt the flow of adrenalin that surged upwards or the flush of awareness that overwhelmed her as he cast his eyes over the carefully laid table , the food and , lastly , herself .
24 Suddenly Water Gypsy 's hitherto charming interior seemed claustrophobic , and she decided a brisk walk along the towpath might blow away the cobwebs and the fit of blues that bedevilled her .
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