Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] [adv] [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Knapp , general secretary of the Rail , Maritime and Transport Union , visited the marginal seat of York yesterday following an earlier visit to Darlington .
2 The hollow clatter of his mount 's hooves on the castle drawbridge mingled with the heavy splash of water rapidly filling the ditch .
3 There was talk of India soon becoming a grain exporter and she discontinued PL480 shipments in 1971 because of shortage of storage capacity .
4 This is essential , for to suggest that this is not so , is to destroy any hope of man ever having a God truly appropriate to his needs .
5 According to the police , however , there was a decline in the level of violence immediately following the signing of the accord .
6 At the time of the evaluation School A had already embarked upon curriculum integration in an integrated studies ( IS ) programme in the first year , curriculum augmentation by the addition to the curriculum of study skills for years 1–5 , and was debating infrastructural integration through the physical relocation of the library in the suite of rooms already accommodating the audio-visual resource centre .
7 The expansion of the past few years has resulted in the majority of subjects now reaching a size at which they are academically viable in terms of staffing and the portfolio of courses they can offer .
8 And there wo n't be much change this afternoon , with the full blanket of cloud still shrouding the country .
9 To ensure that the crisis of February could never be repeated , Pétain employed the equivalent of more than a whole division of men permanently mending the road .
10 The doctor was called and the defendant provided a specimen of blood which on analysis proved to contain a proportion of alcohol substantially exceeding the statutory limit .
11 I was horrified to find a notice at the bottom of Ben More stating No Dogs Allowed .
12 Article 1 sets out its purpose , viz. ‘ to ensure the continuation of farming thereby maintaining a minimum population level or conserving the countryside in certain less-favoured areas … ’
13 As the survivors are air-lifted to safety by helicopter , the badly wounded Elias is seen being pursued and shot down by the North Vietnamese , his outstretched arms at the moment of death consciously evoking the Crucifixion .
14 Slim medium-sized birds of prey , with long , usually narrow wings and tail , long legs , not very stout bill , and wings pointed ( except Marsh Harrier ) , a ruff of feathers often making the face rounded and owl-like .
15 That 's erm moving along a little bit erm there 's also this business of of what I suppose in other contexts has been called blaming the victim , this business of children somehow inviting the the , if they have actually been abused , it must be because they 've invited it so erm that 's erm .
16 The hill towns of central Italy witness very obviously to two historical facts : to a continuity of life far surpassing the English towns we have compared with them , and to a love of independence , of a way of life in which turbulence and freedom and constant war were endemic factors .
17 Certainly , it seems very possible that both were produced in a period of reconstruction immediately following the termination of hostilities and the payment of compensation for Mul .
18 The aim of the study is to record , describe and analyse their perceptions and experience of the process of adoption thus providing an up-to-date picture of the consumer view .
19 ‘ This was clearly intended to be a show of strength and involved a group of men simply taking the law into their own hands , ’ she said .
20 But can you imagine your average suddenly-made-redundant collector of taxes happily spending the rest of his or her working life scraping the scraps off the dinner plates of the overfed rich ?
21 He heard the hollow thudding of hooves and the duller sound of feet constantly tramping the timbers of the drawbridge .
22 We have first to pretend that , in the event of A wrongfully directing an innocent person X to do something to B 's goods , A is in the position of a finder or custodian of the goods ; and then we must ask ourselves , ‘ Would X 's acts have been excused if these were the facts ? ’
23 Grandson Richard , 39 , was in a crush of people all heading the same way .
24 In general this was the pattern for Polish industrialisation as a whole — a phenomenon that took place when there was the least chance of Poland ever regaining an independent existence .
25 Thomas and Lynn owned a spread on Boars Hill , an annexe of Oxford closely resembling the WASP 's nest suburbs of Tom 's native Philadelphia .
26 This sets up a desirable chain of movements so giving a correct position at the top of the backswing which allows the player to swing the clubhead back to the ball on the right path , that is , from inside-to-straight , or as a theory has it , from in-to-out .
27 There is now little prospect of Britain soon rejoining the European currency club , the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
28 Here and there one may find a row of houses all having the same supply , but very often two adjacent houses are supplied differently .
29 At the other end of the table from Dowd , sitting in front of a heap of newspapers doubtless carrying the Burke reports , sat a professorial man in his sixties , white hair oiled to his scalp .
30 Is the not Secretary of State continuously presenting a distorted view when he tries to convince the House that the Government are spending more on the national health service ?
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