Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] [adv] [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 The hollow clatter of his mount 's hooves on the castle drawbridge mingled with the heavy splash of water rapidly filling the ditch .
2 According to the police , however , there was a decline in the level of violence immediately following the signing of the accord .
3 At the time of the evaluation School A had already embarked upon curriculum integration in an integrated studies ( IS ) programme in the first year , curriculum augmentation by the addition to the curriculum of study skills for years 1–5 , and was debating infrastructural integration through the physical relocation of the library in the suite of rooms already accommodating the audio-visual resource centre .
4 And there wo n't be much change this afternoon , with the full blanket of cloud still shrouding the country .
5 To ensure that the crisis of February could never be repeated , Pétain employed the equivalent of more than a whole division of men permanently mending the road .
6 The doctor was called and the defendant provided a specimen of blood which on analysis proved to contain a proportion of alcohol substantially exceeding the statutory limit .
7 Even if the practice overspends its funds , there is no question of patients not getting the treatment they need .
8 As the survivors are air-lifted to safety by helicopter , the badly wounded Elias is seen being pursued and shot down by the North Vietnamese , his outstretched arms at the moment of death consciously evoking the Crucifixion .
9 Slim medium-sized birds of prey , with long , usually narrow wings and tail , long legs , not very stout bill , and wings pointed ( except Marsh Harrier ) , a ruff of feathers often making the face rounded and owl-like .
10 That 's erm moving along a little bit erm there 's also this business of of what I suppose in other contexts has been called blaming the victim , this business of children somehow inviting the the , if they have actually been abused , it must be because they 've invited it so erm that 's erm .
11 The hill towns of central Italy witness very obviously to two historical facts : to a continuity of life far surpassing the English towns we have compared with them , and to a love of independence , of a way of life in which turbulence and freedom and constant war were endemic factors .
12 Certainly , it seems very possible that both were produced in a period of reconstruction immediately following the termination of hostilities and the payment of compensation for Mul .
13 ‘ This was clearly intended to be a show of strength and involved a group of men simply taking the law into their own hands , ’ she said .
14 But can you imagine your average suddenly-made-redundant collector of taxes happily spending the rest of his or her working life scraping the scraps off the dinner plates of the overfed rich ?
15 He heard the hollow thudding of hooves and the duller sound of feet constantly tramping the timbers of the drawbridge .
16 Grandson Richard , 39 , was in a crush of people all heading the same way .
17 Thomas and Lynn owned a spread on Boars Hill , an annexe of Oxford closely resembling the WASP 's nest suburbs of Tom 's native Philadelphia .
18 There is now little prospect of Britain soon rejoining the European currency club , the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
19 Here and there one may find a row of houses all having the same supply , but very often two adjacent houses are supplied differently .
20 At the other end of the table from Dowd , sitting in front of a heap of newspapers doubtless carrying the Burke reports , sat a professorial man in his sixties , white hair oiled to his scalp .
21 She had a vision of McNab calmly recording the manner of the Collector 's death , the way he had already recorded so many in the last weeks .
22 Very sensitive patients who quickly become over stimulated by or prove the remedy when given in the standard dose can reduce it , next time , by diluting a teaspoonful from the first glass in a second glass of water thus reducing the dose by a factor of about 20 for each glass used .
23 Leslie Ferrar , a tax partner at KPMG Peat Marwick Mc Lintock , says most companies can expect at least one visit every five years , and has compiled a top 10 hit list of areas currently fascinating the Revenue 's sleuths : self-employed consultants , casual labour , uniforms , ‘ senior management ’ lunches , home phone bills , evening working meals , large allowances in round figures , conferences , staff entertainment and subcontractors .
24 In the US Congress the House banking committee , chaired by Henry Gonzalez , was one of a number of committees now investigating the question of why the US government 's Commodity Credit Corp .
25 The number of students nationally obtaining the CNAA 's Diploma of Higher Education in 1977 was only 293 , of whom approximately half transferred to ‘ linked ’ or ‘ top-up ’ courses in the same institution .
26 So a lot of problems just getting the address in .
27 You can spend quite a lot of time subsequently getting the machine configured just as you want it but at least you can relax in the knowledge that it all works and the difficult part of the upgrade is well and truly over .
28 They got a lot of overheads just keeping the big boys off their necks — kickbacks , blood-money , you name it .
29 The opening day of the Congress of People 's Deputies reflected anger in the country at the administration 's shock therapy economic programme , with one delegate speaking of ‘ economic genocide ’ and a host of others angrily calling the leadership to account .
30 Introduced specifically for tournament and advanced players , the Pro Staff Hammer , which incorporates all of the benefits of the Hammer system — superlight weight , exceptional feel , increased control and power — complements the wider audience of players currently using the Profile Hammer .
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