Example sentences of "[noun sg] be that [pers pn] [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We spend a decade conditioning ourselves to act in a certain way , with a certain decisiveness , caution , thoroughness , and the result is that we ca n't shake it off at half past six and revert to some more natural state .
2 And the result is that they can only rarely and briefly know spiritual delight .
3 My reply is that we can not afford not to do so .
4 But he 's got no , as far as I can see he 's got no convincing argument that democracy will do better , but that does n't matter because he thinks that the decisive criticism of enlightened despotism is that it wo n't improve the moral or intellectual well-being of the citizens , but if people are excluded from political decision making , they will have no incentive to educate themselves or morally improve themselves , or he thinks if they do , if a despot does allow for the moral improvement of the citizens , then citizens will no longer accept despotism so that despotism is in a way self-defeating here and if it one of the proper functions of government it ca n't survive .
5 One of the drawbacks of the Packman is that it ca n't handle part-packs , without them being undone and poured in conventional fashion .
6 A problem in social research is that we can not easily isolate factors .
7 I do n't care if they 're hallucinating purple snakes and blue baboons , because the whole point of putting them on a boat is that they ca n't get off and swim home , and they ca n't get drugs on board , and they ca n't bribe you to take them to land , and that means they 'll have no damned choice but to get cured . ’
8 Six more contestants we need , the only rule is that you must n't have played a phone-in competition on this programme in the last four weeks .
9 So if you 'd like to play the game the only rule is that you must n't have played a phone in competition on this programme in the last four weeks .
10 The great opportunity for Labour is that it will again be the main repository of anti-Conservative votes .
11 ‘ Their only disadvantage is that you ca n't take the painkillers with them .
12 Outgoing FAXES are produced in much better quality than normal FAX machines as there is no ‘ scanning ’ of the original document — the only disadvantage is that you can not send an existing document , unless it has been previously sent to you , or you key it into Word processing or Desk Top Publishing .
13 The more normal condition is that it will only be available to those shareholders of the target who have accepted both the share offer and the cash alternative not later than the first closing date .
14 When she realised that she was pregnant , her one clear emotion was that he should not know .
15 The result was that they could almost be read as things more real than the things they qualified , a pattern of eternal forms from another world , not part of the solid world of cabbages and pears — yellow and violet , blue and orange , red and green .
16 Matters were not helped by the Sabina Park authorities providing one sightscreen that was too low to be of much use if the bowler was over six feet ( 1.8 metres ) tall , and when England complained after the game against Jamaica the reply was that it could not be raised without obscuring the view of some two hundred people who had already bought tickets .
17 Although the images of the film belied the opinions expressed within it ( ‘ unless the camera lied , Matthew appeared to be a loveable , reasonable , biddable child capable of enjoying life within its limits ’ ) , the mood of the programme was that we could well be better without mentally handicapped people , who have an unsatisfactory life and require an unfair devotion of care .
18 Helios was thought to see and know everything , and he was often invoked in blessings ; his fault was that he could not keep a secret .
19 The moment that that was decided , however , the fear was that we would never hear anything again about the link between Stratford and King 's Cross .
20 If they stood apart from their era , assuming human nature can ever do this , their fear was that they would have faded away as irrelevant oddities ; if on the other hand they became fully part of their century their fear was that they would not be giving an alternate witness , another voice .
21 The latest report on Place 's condition was that he would certainly live , and they might be able to speak to him tomorrow .
22 The point about any particular tactic is that it should only be used to achieve a definite and known result .
23 In the midst of this pain and uncertainty , the wonder is that he could still produce work .
24 An interesting feature of the general theory of relativity is that it should not matter whether time is running backward or forward : it is time-symmetric .
25 The chief rule for any successful kitchen plan is that it should always follow a work diagram based on the sequence of operations .
26 He jokes that one of the problems of backstroke is that he ca n't see where he 's going .
27 One rationale for the non-government sector is that it can more readily mobilise ‘ voluntary ’ help , but this is not necessarily so .
28 The carving of the features on the youth 's head , fig. 70 , is so like that of the girl 's that they may well be the work of one artist ; but this has none of the other 's contradictions .
29 ‘ The problem with recycling is that we can not determine the colour of waste material in advance .
30 The implication of our question is that we can not explain the decline of the Liberal party unless we mention the other factors .
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