Example sentences of "[noun sg] be for [det] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 But difficult as the schism was for many workers and indeed activists to understand or justify , its far-reaching ramifications had already begun to emerge .
2 If one believes that education is for all children and must be regarded as in many ways the great equalizer , it is hard to accept the proposition that education in morality and religion should be left to parents whose fulfilment of this obligation will be far from equal .
3 Comdex/Spring in Chicago last week was for all intents and purposes a Microsoft Corp event , all the energy and sparkle belonging to the Windows World side of the house , OS/2 being a footsore also-ran and Unix not even showing up for the race .
4 He had a formidable reputation as a hard , cryptic , ruthless man whose god was perfection and whose greatest intolerance was for any weakness or sentiment which undermined it ; but there was something in his face as he looked at me which was very like kindness .
5 When we take somebody , assess their needs and offer them a care package , in terms of the elderly , erm , and more importantly in terms of those with physical disability or learning disability , we have basically got to support that person for the rest of their life , and therefore , the commitment is not just for the current year , the commitment in , in the case of the elderly depending on what is being offered , whether it be nursing home care , or residential care is for several months or years .
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