Example sentences of "[noun sg] be a part [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although racial prejudice is a part of the theme of man 's inhumanity to man , there are also other points to support my view , the most significant being the plight of Boo Radley .
2 We can see from Royal Institution Discourses again how religion was a part of the scientific culture , along with education and more central topics like energy .
3 A spokesman for Radio One said the programme was a part of the station 's commitment to music outside London and the SouthEast .
4 Continuing Pictish-Northumbrian military confrontation was a part of the background , therefore , of Osred 's reign .
5 The guard is a part of the machine , so go back and claim a new one if it breaks while still under warranty . ’
6 It is essential , therefore , when one states that European human rights law is a part of the law of the United Kingdom , to note the sense in which that is the case .
7 Geometry is a part of the mathematics syllabus which has been in decline in recent years .
8 The sexual drives and attractiveness of this body are a part of the magnetism which draws male and female together and makes possible the celebration of that relationship .
9 * This article is a part of a larger report on RU 486/PG being prepared under the auspices of the Institute on Women and Technology at MIT by Janice Raymond , Renate Klein , and Lynnette Dumble .
10 Peat-based products that are not from SSSIs will continue to be stocked , but according to a spokeswoman the move is a part of an overall shift away from peat to substitutes .
11 Upwind sailing is a part of the sport that many people ignore , concentrating instead on reaching and gybing all the time .
12 Maid service is a part of the package .
13 He is in the business of conforming us to the image of his Son , and learning to handle conflict is a part of the spiritual maturity process .
14 Bukharin argued that this self-organisation and compulsory self-discipline was a part of the process of transforming a ‘ class in itself ’ into a ‘ class for itself ’ .
15 Mr Justice Saville said the Commercial Court was a part of the Queen 's Bench and he would not exclude observers unless he was given a good reason to do so .
16 The but is the superego is a part of the ego so we have to er before we go on to the superego , let's just say for the time being that repression is directed by the ego itself .
17 Although the relationship is canonical in both directions — a canonical finger is a part of a hand , and a canonical hand has fingers- hand is in one sense the less specific and hence less complex term , the term which carries less semantic information .
18 The song was a part of the day , a way of getting through the day tunefully , in rhythm .
19 But its beauty and its form are a part of the total economy of nature .
20 Two centuries , thousands of lives , in a museum where the building is a part of the display , where the feet of visitors follow the path of the people who once worked the canals .
21 The waterfall is a part of the enormously extensive and complicated subterranean water system that has been traced now through this limestone mass if and which links up with the astonishingly deep fissures or gouffres that the speleologists have explored in the mountains to the east .
22 At least in Marx 's usage , ideology is a part of the structure of social relations and is not overcome by an individual who adopts a materialist account of history .
23 The super-ego is a part of the phylogenetic ‘ archaic heritage ’ of the species , as well as being the result of the individual 's own development .
24 Objectivity is a part of the practice , not something that grounds or supports the practice from beneath .
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