Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [v-ing] [conj] [ex0] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Back down the beach , the Big Wheel was turning and there were even queues waiting to get on .
2 She added that the number of people who opted for cremation was increasing although there was still a section of society to whom cremation was unthinkable .
3 The sun was setting and there were moments when I , too , felt like ‘ stout Cortés ’ and thought I could see the Pacific .
4 The sun was shining but there was a bank of cloud out to sea ; no discernible movement anywhere .
5 The sun was shining and there was an east wind blowing which set the clouds tumbling and their shadows rushing across the shallow hills and the craggy outcroppings .
6 It was not yet May but it was a May morning ; the sun was shining and there was that certain sparkle in the air ; air which , despite all that has been done to it , Wycliffe still found good to breathe .
7 He said : ‘ I found cycling a pleasure when the sun was shining and there was no wind .
8 That confidence is lacking and there is nothing — except Sir John Wheeler 's unwise comment about the IRA 's defeat — to suggest that it can be restored .
9 The year 1989 was a watershed , since the professional climate was changing and there was a clear public expectation that the Institute should adopt a higher profile in dealing with technical matters , especially those involving public interest cases .
10 Rain was threatening and there was a distant roll of thunder .
11 The name documentation is deceiving as there is very little paperwork and the department 's tools are computers and the software packages MINISIS and QUIXIS .
12 He could just nod , or sigh , or do anything , in fact , which Pooh would rightly take to correlate with Rabbit 's believing that there 's honey .
13 The wall was crumbling and there were great gaps in it .
14 A woman barred her way because a service was ending and there was an aggressive demand for a donation on entrance instead of , in the British tradition , a polite request before leaving .
15 Du Guesclin was reorganising the French armies , our old king was doddering and there was no need for English swords in France , so we sailed for Outremer .
16 World trade is fallin' an' there 's a lot of unemployment about .
17 In one case the court confirmed the Commission 's finding that there was evidence of abusive conduct where United Brands ' prices in certain banana markets within the EC were excessive in relation to the economic value of the product supplied and that they differed considerably from one EC market to another .
18 While inflation rates and budget and trade deficits improved or remained steady , it appeared that the growth rate of the economy was slowing and there was some fear of recession .
19 Trade was booming and there was dissatisfaction about pay , ballast-heaving , and mast-stripping and keel-scraping without remuneration .
20 Throughout the post-war period the case for a high degree of centralised planning was weakening because there was no serious attempt to address the problem of an allocative mechanism which did not give free reign to market prices and collective bargaining .
21 That was why it had been such a shock when the neighbours came round to tell Lily the baby was screaming and there was nobody answering the door or any lights on in the house .
22 It seems the supplier is saying that there is n't a fault at all , leaving the onus on you to establish that there is .
23 Concern is growing that there is no-one in sight to take over Novell should Noorda become incapacitated .
24 The village was mentioned in the Domesday Book and the entry indicates village life was thriving and there was a population of at least 250 .
25 In Benin , meanwhile , another veteran dictator was showing that there is a better way out .
26 Now , the shore was fading and there was no going back .
27 His health was failing and there was a subscription for his return to England .
28 ‘ I have naught to offer you , ’ the youth was saying and there was sorrow in his voice .
29 By saying " the postgraduate study " , the writer is implying that there is a familiar group of types of study — the undergraduate study , the postdoctoral study , etc. , rather like the classification of decades or social classes .
30 The cost is rising because there is no blending .
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